Thursday, June 24, 2010

PS22 Chorus's MJ Tribute for Newsweek

Thanks to Newsweek for the incredible job they did putting this video together! And make sure you catch the CBS Early Show tomorrow morning (Friday) for more of the kids reflections on Michael Jackson, and another exclusive performance of "Man in the Mirror."


  1. Exquisite! I hope you have a wonderful summer break, Mr. B. I look forward to next year.

  2. Mr. B-
    Sick of cryin' everytime I watch a video... :) So hyped to show my over zealous 2yr old MJ fan when he comes home from his day!
    Many blessings-
    Long Beach, CA

  3. I am not gonna name names, but I know u have seen it as well... Watching this video which evidently brings out the personality in each student, I see how some have really grown- some that would just stand and sing and not move in the beginning of the semester, are now showing how they have gotten in to it and felt the feeling of the words to the songs they sing...A very articulate bunch of kids...

  4. I love the MJ turbite form last year of the 1yr of his death. Great job kids of PS22!!! :)

  5. i love that song

    kahlil w.


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-- MGMT. :)

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