Thursday, June 24, 2010

PS22 Chorus sings for Angelwish Foundation

Today the PS22 Chorus of 2010 visited the Scholastic bookstore in Manhattan to perform and purchase books for some kids in need on behalf of the Angelwish Foundation. The kids really made the most of the opportunity, and they took their task of finding books very seriously. Of course that's not to say fun wasn't to be had along the way, as you can plainly see.....

All in all, it was a very special day well-spent, as we approach the final days of an amazing school-year. Big thanks to Shimmy and everyone at Angelwish Foundation for hosting our visit! And thanks as always to Ms. Lisa & Mrs. Johnson for capturing the performance with fantastic video and pics, and to Ms. Laurie and Ms. Kaufman as well for sharing in the day and for all of their help! We love you guys!!!


  1. Love this from beginning to end-- the pics are great and the video is heartwarming!

    Bruce-- I love all the places you found to "sleep on the job"

  2. Mr. B & PS 22 Chorus Members,

    Thank you all for such a wonderful day. You should all be very proud of not only your accomplishments as a part of the chorus, but for your participation in today's event to help children in need around the country.

    I have no doubt that this is just the tip of the iceberg for you all in being successful in life and being charitable to others.

    When I came to visit you, i mentioned that we like to do things in a way that will have a big impact - and you helped us do just that.

    In just a few hours, you picked out over $6,000 worth of books for over 450 children under the care of 7 HIV/AIDS care centers in 6 states, including one in your hometown of Staten Island.

    In many instances, the books will be given to the parents to give to the children, so you will have actually helped an entire family.

    You also consumed over 200 slices of pizza and about 50 bottles of water. But after singing 7 songs and making over 50 drawings of why you like to give back to the community through charity, we can't blame you for working up an appetite. :-)

    On behalf of everyone at Angelwish, Scholastic, and our care centers, congratulations on your graduation & wishing you all the best in your future endeavors!


  3. I LUV CLIFFORD!!!! i luv that trip because i got to give back and it felt good


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-- MGMT. :)

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