Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Man in the Mirror

Here is the PS22 Chorus singing what is probably the most requested song of the year from both the kids and their fans -- "Man in the Mirror" by the late Michael Jackson. This performance was filmed at the kids' graduation ceremony today, and the kids definitely went out in style!! No doubt, it's going to be hard to say goodbye to this crew..... Fortunately we have a few more days before school ends, and there will be more vids to come from the kids of the amazing PS22 Chorus of 2010, before they turn over the reins to the up-and-coming 2011 group!

Make sure you catch the kids on Friday morning on the CBS Early Show -- they will be singing "Man in the Mirror" on the second hour of the broadcast as part of a tribute to MJ! And before that, you'll be able to catch yet another professionally filmed performance of the song on Newsweek's website tomorrow morning! On both appearances, you will also hear the kids talking about how they were affected by both Michael's life and death. It's very moving stuff, so stay tuned!!

UPDATE: Thanks to Perez Hilton for posting this performance with his usual kind words for the PS22 kids!

UPDATE 2 (6-24-10): The video has earned some amazing YouTube honors. Check 'em out below!


  1. Wow, seems as tho this semester has just flown by... I remember the last crew and falling in love w/their sound, now this group!.Can't wait to see what your next group is like...Every semester keeps getting better and better..

  2. WOW-- so many great things about this post-- as usual it sounded fantastic (like there's ever a doubt about that) and it was great to see the kids all dressed up and having fun.

    While it's sad to know this year's group will be walking out the front doors soon, it's great to see the wonderful young adults they have become. They definitely look ready to face the challenges of intermediate school-- and that credit goes to ALL the teachers there!

    And let's not forget Alyssa-- her return doesn't overshadow the rest of the group and all that they have accomplished this year -- but I have to say YIPPEEEE that she got to make it back.

    Can't wait to see what's next...

  3. WOW...completely in awe everytime i hear you guys. so wonderful to see kids doing positive things with so much negativity surrounding them. God's blessings on you all and your mentors/teachers/advisors....peace.

  4. hi mr.b, its lucresse!.graduation!!!!!!! im really going to miss all the students in the chorus as well as everybody else. this was a really great year. the chorus has done some pretty big things that will stay in their lives forever. they are awsome and of course this chorus and school couldnt be complete with out mr. b the person who oranized the chorus and made them as wonderful as they are. you are such an awsome music teacher mr B, thank you for all youve done. it really means alot to me as well as everybody else. graduationg class of 2010 at ps 22 RULES!!! (so do you mr. b, alot!) :)

  5. Thanks to all, and to Lucresse -- I'll never forgive Mrs. Byrnes for getting you first!!!! ;) You guys did a magnificent job today!! I'm really proud of you all! And for the record, the only way chorus could have been better this year is if you were a part of it.... Going to miss you!!!!!

  6. awsome mr b i love this dong rock onn

    love abby

  7. Whats the meaning of the blue band around the necks?
    I love your voices!
    Greetings from Germany,


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-- MGMT. :)

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