Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PS22 Chorus on VH1 DIVAS Special Tomorrow!!

HUGE news!!! The PS22 Chorus of 2009 will be making their final appearance together tomorrow night (Thursday) on the VH1 DIVAS 2009 special, airing from 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM on VH1!!! (Check your local listings for exact time and channel.) VH1 pre-recorded the kids last Tuesday at the school, and the kids are expected to be featured sporatically throughout the broadcast singing songs by the various DIVAS that will be performing tomorrow night! So this is one farewell performance that CANNOT BE MISSED!!!

In addition to hearing the amazing sounds of the full chorus, you'll also be hearing from some of your favorite PS22 Chorus 2009 soloists! So until tomorrow, we leave you with our own PS22 Chorus DIVAS 2009 video that we made ourselves (just for fun!) in Central Park at the kids' performance in August! TUNE IN TOMORROW!!!

UPDATE: Big thanks to our biggest supporter, Perez Hilton, who posted his congrats to the PS22 Chorus kids for their upcoming VH1 DIVAS appearance on his blog! Awesome!


  1. YIPEEE!!! glad it's set in stone!

  2. Spectacular! I'm soooo happy for you guys and excited to see my favorite choir perform!

    Your biggest fan in TX,
    Mr. D

  3. This announcement sounds awesome! I hope I'll find a way to watch the performances here in Germany.
    Doesn't VH1 fear, that the audience might rout the 'real' divas off the stage after hearing the PS22 divas sing? ;-)
    I can't wait!

  4. Hi this is karizma and I wanted to tell you i'm so eager about today! I'm watching it I hope it's as good as everyone says!


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