Monday, September 14, 2009

FAME Comes to PS22 CHORUS of 2010!

Today the NEW PS22 Chorus of 2010 got a visit from Naturi Naughton, Anna Maria Perez de Tagle, Kherington Payne, and Asher Book -- the castmembers from the upcoming major motion picture, FAME! The kids sang with Naturi on the title song of the film, and it was a blast! With just a few DAYS into the new school year, it's hard to believe the kids were able to pull this performance off as well as they did! Sure signs of good things to come!

In addition to the actors, on hand to present a $30,000 check for a new keyboard lab to PS22 were FAME director Kevin Tancharoen, VH1 Save The Music Foundation Executive Director Paul Cothran, and Director Of Music for New York City Department of Education Barbara Murray.

It was great to see the new chorus make such an impact on our guests! You could see the delight in their faces at the exuberant singing of the all-new PS22 Chorus!

Naturi even tweeted about the kids on her Twitter page after it was all over!

NY1 was also on hand to film the event and you can watch their coverage of the event here.

Big thanks to everyone at VH1, MGM, and of course the cast of FAME for both the incredible donation and for giving our kids a day they'll never forget! See some more great pictures below!


  1. these kids are sooo cute and pretty talented-- GREAT JOB-- in 2 days! EVERYONE deserves a huge pat on the back for this one.... ;)

  2. OMG!!! What a great group of kids u have this semester... Tho listening to your new group I still remember the other kids u had.... These kids have a great sound.... Glad u got that lovely check...

  3. I am going to keep my eyes on these kids......I already see a few that I think are going to stand out!

    Great Job :)

  4. That was totally worth the wait. Good luck for the new chorus! You guys did a great job and I can't wait to see, where this year is going to take you all. I'm sure it'll be amazing.

    Greetz from Germany

  5. hey Mr.B it is me your old chorus kid laura your new chorus is so good.I cant belive the movie stars from Fame came.Tell the new chorus that they r grate and me and maya and maimouna r going to come and see u soon we promise.Bye

  6. miss you laura! thanks for stopping by the blog to say hey, and for your nice words for the new chorus! MOST IMPORTANT, don't forget to watch the divas special tomorrow night!!!!! SO excited! ;)

  7. mmm mmm good lol watching this video is better than eating my big angus burger at McDonalds
    but really those harmonies are real
    josh d

  8. hey mr b. omg your new chorus is the best i wiil go c them at the school with you guys if they let me.i want 2 c u guys so i can tell ur new chorus how great they r in person.

    later mr b.

    miss ya
    aminah from chorus


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-- MGMT. :)

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