Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thanks to the Staten Island Advance for sharing these pictures from our amazing FAME presentation at PS22, featuring the debut performance by our new PS22 Chorus of 2010! There are more amazing pics from the event taken by the Advance photographer that you can see here.


  1. I have never been so touched in my life. As a fellow teacher in Staten Island, I'm so proud of the hard work and dedication of your chorus!
    Keep up the great work!

  2. hey itz bahira!!!!
    hows the chorus? tell them good luck for me and their in store for lots of fun !!! they are so lucky they got to meet anna maria perez de tagle!!!i wish i was them!!! i wish i was still in 5th grade !!! tell the teachers i said hi!!!

    bahira a.


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-- MGMT. :)

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