Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who's The Boss? ALYSSA MILANO!!

Actress Alyssa Milano just became the newest member to the ranks of celebrity fans of the PS22 Chorus! Yesterday she tweeted about the chorus (see above screencap) on her Twitter page, linked to our video of "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay, and called the kids "AWESOME!"

Make sure you tune in to the VH1 DIVAS special tonight to see just how amazing they really are!!


  1. Putting in a request for Greatest American Hero on behalf of the Bay Area.

  2. This by far has to be the most amazing thing I have ever seen. What you have given those children is absolutely irreplaceable. You gave them a voice and the ability to shine like the stars that they are. I have been on your page for about 4 hours now and cannot get enough! I wish I was in 5th grade so I could be in your class!!! If there were more teachers like you this world would be such a a better place. Good luck tonight :) I'll be watching you from California!!!

  3. Mr. B,

    You and your kids are awesome! I'm looking forward to more amazing performances in the near future. Speaking of which, have you ever considered doing Heroes by Bowie? I think your kids would bring the house down with that one!

  4. What a letdown! I finally figured out a way to watch the videos on VH1's homepage in my area - only to find that NONE of the clips seem to feature the only divas, that would really have been worth my time. :-(

  5. I just have to say this is SO AMAZING! I teach as well and nothing warms my heart so much as passionate teachers. the world needs more of you, Mr. B!!! Who would have thought that 10 year olds could do this?!? Your passion and joy is contagious.. I love watching these videos!!!!!

  6. Big Fan! :) I think the chorus would sound rad doing the song "Please Don't Leave Me" by Pink.

  7. Mr. B
    My Ashley finally made it to chorus this year she has been wanting it since the 3rd grade Thank you for allowing her to audition, Ashley loves to sing she sings all day and all night..but I have noticed a change in her, she loves school now! Thank you because of this she wakes me up in the mornings ready to go. Following you and looking at your past chorus's I can see how much you love these kids and truly enjoy working with them. It's amazing, your amazing they are amazing. Thank you

  8. Everything you've done and are doing with this kids is absolutely magical. As a lifelong resident of Staten Island, and an alum of the NY public school system, I can honestly say this is exactly what we need more of. Wonderful wonderful wonderful. Put Staten Island on the MAP!


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-- MGMT. :)

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