Friday, July 17, 2009

Seaweed Song

The blog has made no secret about the PS22 Chorus's involvement with Passion Pit and their new album, Manners. As a thank you for the amazing opportunity they brought to our kids, we decided to take on one of the band's songs in it's entirety. We chose "Seaweed Song," the closing track on the CD. And the kids knock it out of the.... pit!

Update 12:38PM: After I sent this video on to Michael Angelakos, lead singer of Passion Pit, he e-mailed back (and I quote), "Oh. My. God." Now I just found out band member Ian Hultquist linked to the video on Passion Pit's Twitter page, saying, "Mike and I are nearly in tears from this." COOOOL!


  1. Always so inspired by these truly amazing kids!!!!

  2. Love it! This is one of my favorite non-PS22 Passion Pit songs and especially great job Allie!

  3. that is so awesome!!! and the kids do kill it on that one!

  4. The words and melody are beautiful!.. Well done..

  5. Have you thought of doing any Phish or They Might Be Giants songs? They Might Be Giants actually plays shows for kids and I think a lot of Phish songs would be great with a choir of fun-loving kids jumping around on stage. Regardless of the band, I'd love to hear something from that genre. The kids are great when they are up on stage singing and letting loose!

  6. It's almost ridiculous how amazing they sound on this song. I'm thrilled to see you were able to salvage the MY huge mess up! and I both know what I mean.

    Miss them! Miss you!

    Miss Lisa

  7. cool pick not witty now right lol

    josh d

  8. oh, you are the king of wit, josh. even when you're not trying... ;)


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-- MGMT. :)

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