Monday, July 20, 2009

A Tori Amos Shout Out To PS22!

In Friday's issue of the Salt Lake City newspaper, Deseret News, my biggest musical inspiration, Tori Amos, spoke about the PS22 Chorus in an interview with journalist Pat Reavy. Here is an excerpt from the article below:

Amos, who has sold more than 12 million records worldwide, has influenced many artists. But maybe none as special as the fifth graders from P.S. 22 in Staten Island.

The children have garnered nationwide fame after videos from hand-held recorders singing songs from Amos and others hit popular Internet sites such as YouTube. Amos recently got to see the children perform live.

"To me, that's a culmination of my career. When you have young voices singing (your song) and know they're making their own relationships with people from different backgrounds … this is why we go out every other year, this is why you do it. There's nothing that has made my heart beam like that than seeing those children sing the music," she said.

Thanks to Tori for her keeping us in her thoughts and for the continued inspiration. This makes my heart sing. And also thanks to our friends at UNDENTED for bringing this interview to my attention on their site! Below are our 3 newest Tori Amos covers from this past school year.



"1000 OCEANS"


  1. WOW!!!! That's amazing that the performance 3 years ago stuck with her that much that she is still talking about it. AWESOME!!

  2. So awsome! She's a class act. Miss you!!!!!!!!!

    Miss. Lisa

  3. Mr. B...
    So glad to hear the rendition of Flavor - So beautiful!
    I kinda wish the chorus would start taking requests... I have a list started...

    Keep up the fantastic ness.

  4. hey mr b, its always been my dream to have a kids chorus, God bless you and all you are you are doing and have done for these kids.


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-- MGMT. :)

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