Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh Snap!!

We proudly present a new PS22 Chorus of 2009 debut, "Baseball Cap" by Faithless! Cheers to Joey & Nick, and congrats to the chorus on another awesome performance! Yeah, boyeeees! Make sure you stick around to the end of the video to hear all the amazing things MTV NEWS correspondent Sway had to say.


  1. Nick and Joey KILL it on this-- they are so entertaining to watch! I am so glad Sway stuck around to hear it and that it got recorded!
    Great photoshop on the hat--- now if there were only a way to get it made....

  2. we use customink for shirts. but they do hats to. this hat could definitely be made easily. (i had a tori amos hat done...) ;)

  3. I am so glad you posted this!

    I loved it when I saw them doing it and my camera battery died :( so I never got a copy.


  4. yeah i was holding out to post this until after the MTV spot aired, because i didn't know if they were using it or not. great song, eh??

  5. yea, its me angelica um this is not really a sort of a real coment but i want to noe why is it that u have a bunch of videos that have violation posted on them bye;(

  6. i'll be fixing that up, angelica, within the next few weeks. i know it's annoying! hope you're enjoying the summer! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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