Saturday, July 04, 2009

Quality Control!

I updated the quality on some of my favorite PS22 Chorus videos of the year, as the sound was really muffled on the originally-posted versions. In addition, I'm proud to present an exceptionally beautiful (and my favorite) rendition of "One Day" by Bjork. Maya sings the solo to perfection and the chorus as a whole sounds hauntingly beautiful. UPDATE: Now posted is another gem from earlier this year, "Folk Song" by The Sundays. Nick must have had a lot of sugar in his cereal the morning he filmed this, but if you can get past the motion sickness, it's really an exceptional performance.

"One Day" by Björk (my favorite version)

UPDATE 2 (7-5-09): Perez Hilton just tweeted about the newly posted PS22 Chorus rendition of "One Day" on his twitter page! Thanks to Mr. P for his continued support!

"Folk Song" by The Sundays

"I'll Be Your Mirror" by The Velvet Underground and Nico

"Jóga" by Björk

"Clouds" by Phats & Small

"Let It Go" by The Bangles


  1. Wow, every day when I visit this blog I find something new and amazing.
    I guess Mr. B stands for Mr. Busy ;)
    Anyway, I like to thank you and the chorus for making this world a better place (just read the comments on your YouTube videos, how many people you have touched... its awesome)
    Love from Germany

  2. hello...i´m a teacher and i´ve never seen such an expressive chorus like this...Have you ever comed to Europe?...i´m trully impressed and fascinated... congratulations...

  3. Goodness overload!! Thanks for posting more to enjoy. Watching you guys do what you do makes my day!

  4. The new vieos are great!!!

  5. hi mr.b i miss everyone hows your summer

  6. GERD: b is for busy indeed! and yes, the comments left on youtube, the blog, and elsewhere have been amazing, and we appreciate all the kindness of people everywhere! (in this case, germany!) :)

    EFERV: thanks! we've never been to europe (as a group anyway!), but you never know.....

    ANGELA: and there's more still to look forward to, i promise!

    PANZEERA: panzeeeeeeeeeeeeera!!!!

    MOONA: i miss you guys too!! definitely things are calmer, but no where nearly as fun!! hope you're enjoying yours, too!

  7. The sound is definitely updated!. yay!.. Love that last song by the Bangles....I can see your kids miss you!.. sweet...

  8. yeah, sound is a million times better! yeah i like that bangles song too, it's very different from our other selections. and yeah again, my kids are the best!! :)

  9. i forgot folksong then again i cant hear it whats the chorus maybe then i'll remember

    [i gave you the email]oops

  10. folk song is the song playing as soon as you come on the page, silly!! :)

  11. the set list is a good one too

  12. the computer im on doesnt have sound and i gave you the wrong email. if i email you will you have the correct one?

  13. as is often the case, i STILL have no idea what you're talking about! don't post your e-mail address on your comment, but if you want to e-mail me at, i'll help you if i can figure out what you're talking about!! :)

  14. Who do you have accompanying you on guitar? Great sound!

  15. i gave you the wrong e-mail i'll email you the correct one

  16. i assume you mean on clouds?? that's mr. chris eberle, my friend and the gym teacher! he's the coolest and truly the nicest person you'll ever want to meet! gives up his free time to make music with us, and it adds so much to the songs he joins us on. :)

  17. well yeah.. I kinda recognized the OTHER guitar player ;) ;)

    PS 22 is just oozing with talent --teachers and students alike! what luck to find someone with ability and willingness! Mr. Eberle deserves mad props!

  18. heartily agree! he's been playing with us really since the beginning. but this year, we really put him to work! he played with us on viva la vida, everybody's changing, clouds, in the bleak midwinter, sky fits heaven, let it go, joga, one day, flavor, 1000 oceans, and probably a few more that i'm not thinking of.... :)

  19. I had seen him on a few but wasn't sure how you pulled him in.... that's quite an arsenal he's worked with ya'll on--great kids and great teachers!

  20. luckily for the chorus, chris needs no "pulling in." he's one of those people who just always is around asking what he can do to help, musically or otherwise. great guy. :)

  21. i emailed you the correct one

  22. cool, i'll check my mailbox in a little while... :)

  23. it takes a village.. and you certainly have that at PS 22!

  24. lol, literally.... (we've got a student body of about 1200 or so!)

  25. YIKES-- ya'll must have like 10 classes at each grade! i can't even imagine ~~ good thing everyone gets along so well!

  26. we have a BIG faculty. there are some teachers in my building that i don't even know!!


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-- MGMT. :)

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