Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Pictures Of You

This was filmed at our final official rehearsal at PS22. The kids outdid themselves on this absolutely gorgeous version of "Pictures of You" by The Cure. You can spot a few tears on this recording, because the last day is always a bit tough. This 2009 group has had quite a run, and there are still a few more songs that will be debuted (and a couple of more summer performances) before the reins are turned over to the highly-anticipated PS22 Chorus of 2010! For now, enjoy the video....


  1. that was AMAZING--but so hard to watch... it took me right back to my last day with kids crying... I am amazed that they got through it!

    and the picture of all the kids crying... ughhh

  2. trust me, after this, we had some very messy (literally) renditions of a couple of songs. eric was crying so hard he threw up.... no joke.

    i kept saying, "Guys, I'm going to see you TOMORROW!! What is going on???" (We had the CBS Early Show the next day.) Didn't seem to make a difference.....

  3. awwww poor eric-- i never realized how traumatic leaving elementary school was--- i vividly remember beign excited for the end! guess they just won't want to leave a great teacher ;)

    hopefully they don't watch this and get sad all over again!

  4. apparently it's tougher than i remember it being when i left ps69. and honestly if you think this is bad, i definitely shouldn't post our final rendition of viva la vida where almost everybody was hysterical...

  5. hey mr.b its april 1ce again i luv the vid thats so kool w/ the pix of ppl crying but it wuz kinda sad 2 =( , i also have a question is there a trip on sat this sat.(july 11)bcuz if there is then its a gud thing maya brought it up n if theres not i wuz right ! =)


  6. you win, april! it's NEXT saturday, july 18th! :)

  7. SWEET for ya'll that you are still performing... enjoy!

  8. yeah, there's more to come from this crew.... :)

  9. Congrats to the 2009 class! I only recently heard about you guys but now every time you pop up somewhere I get a smile on my face. Keep up the good work, keep singing and good luck next year!

  10. thanks veronica! i hope the kids are all reading... :)

  11. Awww, man.. Beautiful song and what a way to end the school year!... What an experience all of you have shared... Everyone has been enriched by this...Next Sept u get to start all over again!... More talent and songs await.

  12. I can see that even tho you told thee kids you would see them the next day, that it didn't seem to matter... They are looking beyond that... They love you... From working in the schools kids get attached to teachers, aides, anyone who takes an avid interest in them.. I bet you had a special teacher who opened up your world... You've opened up theirs and also shown the public that there are quality teachers..

  13. thanks chrissy, you're very kind! :)

  14. May you all be blessed! I celebrate
    the singers and their teacher. I joined my first chorus in junior high and went on to be a music major in high school. I learned so much through music. This is beautiful!

  15. Mr. B: Congratulations on all your success. I recently discovered PS22 Chorus here in Chattanooga, TN. Yall made the local paper a couple of weeks ago. Your kids are such an inspiration and joy to watch. You have given them an experience they will remember the rest of their lives. Good luck to all the kids, and we'll keep watching you in Chattanooga! I added some of your videos to my blog, so more people can enjoy them too! Joe

  16. This is one of my all-time favorite songs...beautifully done. Congratulations on a fabulous school year!

  17. What a beautiful and talented group of kids! I just found out about you guys today and have listened to song after song. My poor hubby has been dragged into the room time after time to "Come listen to this one." As beautiful as the music is, the relationship between you and the kids is even more amazing. They obviously adore you and the feeling in clearly returned. Can't wait to here more. Have an awesome summer break...fall is just around the corner.

  18. Hey Mr. B and the entire P.S. 22 Chorus,

    I just wanted to say how I am deeply impressed by all of you. I'm a Staten Island native and I'd love to hear you guys live, but due to college I couldn't. This song was perfect for and end of the year and I hope all of the graduating class goes on to bigger and greater things. You guys are amazing and you all deserve any success you gain, but always remember that this may be the end of your time at P.S. 22, but the friendships you made should never end.

    Mr. B, you are a true inspiration. Not only to children, but to adults alike (especially aspiring teachers like me). What I'd give to go back in time and have a teacher like you. Those kids are blessed to have someone like you. You have been a great inspiration to people like me as well as others all over. Thank you.

    Your biggest fan,
    Chris "Nabisco" Diorio

  19. Thanks to all of you for these extremely encouraging comments! And believe me, your messages inspire me (and the kids) just the same, nabisco.... :)

  20. So sad. I was really getting used to all these guys and would've loved to hear a few more solo performances.
    Special thanks go to Tirzah, Allie, Maya, Jared, April, Samantha, Elijah and Maria.

  21. hey thanx mr.b that was funni lol what is the trip about by the way and what time do we have 2 be at the skool and bac ?because i didnt know about it .


  22. Z: You'll be getting a few more solo AND group performances from this group before the end of the summer.... And the new group will no doubt live up to the legacy of all that came before them. These kids never let us down! :)

    APRIL: Details weren't given to me yet, which is why I haven't called anybody yet. As soon as I know times and stuff, I promise you will too! :)

  23. this is so incredible. I'm seriously watching every video and smiling. I WISH i was in a choir like this when i was a child. What an outlet. :) <3

    i'm going to request my stepmother's song. "When I hear music." debbie deb.
    that would be so cute. i have no idea how that would work out or sound, but i bet it would be so cool.

  24. don't know the song, mrsmraz0. is it posted anywhere?

  25. ohk no problem =)


  26. oh no, april! the today show cancelled -- looks like we won't be regrouping until august. i'm okay about not doing the show, i'm only disappointed i won't get to see you guys before then.... :(

  27. this is amazing. The children are having so much fun and the professor is fantastic. Also, his supervisor should be given credit for allowing him the freedom to engage these children like this.
    BRAVO PS22

  28. 3 cheers for Principal Donath! woot, woot, woot! :)

  29. Hey Mr.B it is me Laura I just wanted to say ``hey,and that I MISS the chorus it was so much fun there.Talk to you later.


  30. hey laura! i know what you mean kiddo. i miss you guys too! but we'll be regrouping in august, so that's nice to have to look forward to! hope you're enjoying the summer!! :)

  31. YouTube took the videos down!!

  32. i know, i can't believe it. i'm working on it and will do my best to have everything back ASAP!

  33. I HAVE SOUND AND VIDEO!!!!! (on this one)

    huge smile!!!!

  34. thanks suz! i needed that... :) i'm trying to do whatever i can as quickly as i can....

  35. Whew, that was tough to get through! I shed a tear or two myself. Great job, Mr. B. You and the kids have lifted my spirits with your sweet voices many times. Best to all of you.


  36. the picture of me crying is embarrassing but i can live with it i was sad


  37. it was sad, indeed. i definitely didn't put it up to embarrass you. i wanted to show how close we all became, and how hard it was to say goodbye. if you don't like the pic, i'll take it down. deal? :)

  38. oh, and also, i thought you and baaba looked very pretty on those pictures, tears or no. you both looked like models! not that i'm trying to influence your decision!! ;) (it is true tho.)

  39. its fine you can keep it up it doesnt really bother me

  40. yay! miss you and all of your abuse!! ;)

  41. Ashton Kutcher mentioned you on Twitter today...

    He really loves what you are do I. Your rendition of Flying Dutchman has gotten me through a rough summer.

  42. Hello, I'm from California, and I've been watching your videos for about an hour and I absolutely LOVE them! These kids are so talanted, and I love the enthusiasm! The songs touch my heart. The kids are fabulous singers and you are a fabulous instructor! Make a CD!!!!!!!!

  43. Staggeringly incredible. I was a massive Cure fan when this song came out and have drifted away from the band over the years but you all put such such such amazing life back into this and make it new and beautiful all over...just wow...
    - patrick

  44. Hello from Europe, saw you guys on a blog, then went to see your blog. wow didn't realize you guys are so popular!
    This is my favorite song so far :)
    Good luck to all the kids who graduated and I hope all of them will keep singing, making music and making people happy!

  45. this video was so depressing... no offense... can you post all the videos of them? i dont really care HOW good they are, but i want to get as much as them as possible!
    sorry, this comment looks (or sounds???) a little harsh. it wasnt meant to be harsh though...

  46. heyyy... sorry to like bother you, but...
    CAN YOU PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEEEEEEASSSSEEEEEE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP post the video of them singing Viva la Vida? i wanna see it! really really BAD!
    haha. this sounded annoying, but i really wanna see all their videos..

  47. It's already posted-- a few times-- this my favorite

  48. @Suz-
    thanks ive seen that video, but i wanna see the last version of them singing that. i just cant get enough of those videos! & personally, my favorite is An Angel :)

  49. I came across your performance of 'pictures of you' on youtube. I used to listen to the music of The Cure a lot growing up. Some stuff is like a soundtrack to my life... But I have to say that your performance is so much more touching than the original. All the faces and the expresions, the sincerity. Wonderfull! May God bless you.
    (From the Netherlands)

  50. Hello. Pictures Of You is a deeply personal song and I generally don't like to hear covers of it as they do not capture the sentiments of the song, but today you made an old man cry. This is unbelievably good, I didn't realise it at the time but there was an underlying reason why this performance is so great, it Was a goodbye of sorts, which is what the song represents in many ways. You are all incredible and I will watch you all closely from now on. I don't have the words to express how much this caught me off guard. I wish you all nothing but the best.

    To Mr. B - you must continue. I can only guess how proud you must feel.


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-- MGMT. :)

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