Friday, July 03, 2009

An Angel

Check out Allie, as she leads the PS22 Chorus in a heavenly rendition of "An Angel," by The Kelly Family, also notably covered by Declan Galbraith. I previously posted a solo version of Allie singing this, and was sifting through several different performances to find one with the chorus backing her up. And of course, we end up going with the first rehearsal where the chorus learned their part. It's not perfection, but the raw energy of this performance makes it my favorite rendition of the song by the chorus. Enjoy!

UPDATE 7/4/09: Our new video also earned itself TWO YouTube honors, including the #40 Top Rated Music Video Today. Congrats to Allie & the chorus!


  1. LOVE IT!!! just saw it up on youtube and was so excited! The photoshop pic is great--- looks like you caught her dancing!

    Thanks for posting... it really does sound amazing!

  2. thanks suz! you're quick!! :)

  3. lucky timing I guess-- multitasking while watching Wimbledon.

  4. and what do you mean, "photoshop?" that was a candid action shot!!

  5. then poor Allie-- I had no idea you were such a slave driver making your kids dance around in costumes in front of a backdrop just so you don't have do a little work-- ;) ;)

  6. i'm still confused. what backdrop? ;)

  7. That colors in the sunset must be from all the Jersey pollutants that drift your way-- down here in the south our sunsets don't look quite like that... hence the assumption of a backdrop....
    please forgive me King B ;) ;)

  8. all is forgiven. glad you like the candid shot of allie flying happily into the jersey pollutants! :)

  9. Mr.B. Happen to be browsing the PS 22 chorus site and came upon the beautiful picture you posted of Allie and listened again and again to her singing Angel. You made me a happy person tonight. Her Nana

  10. you should be VERY proud, Nana!! You have some amazing talent in your family! :)

  11. thx for posting, it´s great, the best version i ever heard from this song, the kelly family can be broud of that!!!! thx mr. b! :)
    i will post it on my myspace.

    hugs eva from germany

    p.s. have a great weekend :)

  12. She is amazing, Gives me the chills listening to her.

    And The chorus is in the background

    Love it!

  13. Congratulations for your work with this childrens... (sorry for my english) It's wonderful!
    I shared it in my space for my students, can I?


  14. oups, We are in:

  15. EVA: hugs TO germany

    REI: chills indeed!!

    ADA: we're honored! :)

  16. It's scary to imagine what these kids will do in a few years when they make it on to the Billboard charts!

  17. Ahh, but they have already via passion pit! ;)

  18. oops-- forgot about that one-- insert foot in mouth!

  19. we'll let it slide, there's been a LOT to keep track of! :)

  20. did you follow the passion pit album-- where did it peak on the charts?

  21. of of now, it's peaked at its debut spot. did start to drop after the first week, but we're hoping it'll come back up after they officially release "little secrets".

  22. WoW!!!
    Kudos to you and your kids.
    I am a music teacher as well and my kids like music and we have a good time, but what is your secret to getting the kids to be so passionate about their music? I can get them to sing, most of the time, but that's about it. It's like they are afraid someone will see and their coolness factor will go down. God forbid if they move and have a good time, while I am hopping up and down in the front trying (looking like and to get them to loosen the heck up!
    I will be showing my kids this coming school year your blog. Maybe showing them that there are kids out there ENJOYING music; and it's ok to move and be silly and have a heck of a good time while singing will show them it's "cool" to be in choir. PS 22 is an inspiration for all teachers and all types of performing groups. Thank you Mr. B and the PS 22 Choir!!!!

    Keep Rockin' It!!!!!

  23. i can totally relate! (particularly to the 'jumping up and down like an idiot remark'!) it wasn't something that came easily, if you watch our older videos, the kids were much more stiff. i have to say, doing the american idol contest at school helped. giving individual attention to the kids, and emphasizing the importance of connecting to the music in SOME way.

    doing that, and showing the video of those performances to the kids has helped them grasp what it means to connect. it sort of has just become incorporated into what the chorus is at this point. the kids bring it themselves. of course some days are still better than others. they're human in that respect.... ;)

    thanks for your comment! good luck with your group, Denise!! :)

  24. Pete from BrissieJuly 5, 2009 at 8:42 AM

    Wow Allie can boom it out! This and her 'Star Spangled Banner' just blow me away! Simply Awesome..These are not simple Songs..Thanks for sharing!

  25. and you can look forward to one more breathtaking solo from her on our as-yet-unrevealed passion pit debut, "seaweed song." another goosebump inducer.... ;)


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-- MGMT. :)

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