Sunday, June 21, 2009

The NY Post Article!

The New York Post feature came out this morning, and is practically a full-page article on page 9! The article focuses on how the budget crisis may impact the program for the next school year. Thanks to reporter Annie Karni and photographer Chad Rachman for all of their hard work on the PS22 Chorus's behalf. Job well done!

Click on this link to read the article on the NY Post website.


  1. Congratulations!!! very nice work!!
    Best wishes from Portugal!!!

  2. thank you alline!! hello to portugal!! :)

  3. Not a single NY Post to be found here-- oh well :(

  4. well, thank heaven for the internet.... ;)

  5. WHOA!! So do you seriously get these kids 2 full days a week or did I read that wrong (the part about the substitute teacher) That is hard core support from the administration if so! My kids are lucky to have chorus once a week-- which is on the music teachers planning bell-- although she is paid a stipend for it.

    I hope the situation isn't as dire as it sounded in the article. With all your big time fans I know something will happen in your favor!

  6. lol! i wish. :) no, there are other obligations for me those days besides working with the chorus, i'm afraid.... i get them for 2 periods in the afternoon.

  7. I was gonna say-- as the classroom teacher I would freak out to lose my kids for 2 full days... although I think I would be nervous for two full periods two days a week-- our kids do their chorus time in place of their PE time those days.

    Do they at least get you the same sub every time or is it just a random person? I can't imagine trying to plan for a different sub all the time.

  8. oh, you're one of those, eh?? ;) no, the kids are programmed for different clubs during chorus time, so the kids don't miss teaching of the major subject areas. also so that those that are not in chorus, are getting some other remedial/intra- or extracurricular activities too, as a break from all the test-prep these kids are subjected to these days.

  9. THAT IS AWESOME--- and yes I am one of those... but I can safely say my kids are so happy to pass the stupid state tests with advanced and perfect scores--- otherwise if they don't pass the brilliance of the beach takes over-- and they get NO ELECTIVES( art, music, band, foreign language, etc) in middle school! TOTALLY BLOWS!! Talk about pressure on the kids and the teachers!

    How long is your school day to get all that in! I love that idea but am not sure how we could do it in 7.25 hours a day!

  10. WOOHOO!!..Congrats, once again.. And its so fitting to see those two girls up front!... omg...Its also good to see that the school accomodates your students w/their other class schedules... Does it ever get pretty stressful for all of you trying to juggle these events as well as their own lives?

  11. SUZ: I'm thankful that I work in a school that understands the value of enrichment. I'm lucky in that respect.

    CHRISSY: It sure gets stressful for me at times. Not enough hours in a day to keep up with these kids, for real! But no complaints. I'm lucky, and I know it. :)

  12. Indeed, u are lucky but do u realize the effect u have on these kids? You brought out their talent which I am sure would not have been uncovered otherwise...It goes both ways... Everyone involved becomes a better person.

  13. So Mr. B! Is there anything that those of us who are fans of the kids can do to help with the budget crisis? Does it help to write or email the school administration, city officials, etc? Donations to the school's music program? What can those of us in other places (I'm in Chicago, for example) do to help? And as a Pre-k and K. teacher for 10 years, believe me when I say that I understand all about "lack of budget".

  14. thanks susan, letters can't ever hurt, i appreciate your offer to get involved.... hoping all will be okay for the 2009-10 school year....

  15. Whoever thinks about cutting budgets after having seen what this chorus has achieved, is either out of his mind or a lifeless robot.

  16. you won't get any arguments about that point here, z! :)

  17. As a former Staten Islander and retired NYC teacher I followed your accomplishments with the chorus on the Time Warner cable channel at Christmas time every year. It is so gratifying to see the children enjoy the singing and the delight in their efforts. Keep up the good work.
    Jill V


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-- MGMT. :)

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