Sunday, June 21, 2009


Watch the PS22 Chorus on NY1 and read the very nice article by NY1 reporter, Bree Driscoll.


  1. OH please do an album!! Pretty please? btw, I just want u to know that your kids have given me a new outlook on the younger generation... your kids bring tears to my eyes whenever I hear them sing.. they are so positive and their goals are just so way above what I would expect elementary kids to strive for... You and your kids have brightened my days.. SO PLEASE DO THAT ALBUM!!

  2. thanks chrissy! i really hope to, trust me!! :)

  3. I think it is amazing that your school keeps having an AMAZING chorus year after year, by the way, you are the best music teacher that I have ever seen! Thanks for giving these kids the time of their life!

  4. a very cool set of compliments, andrew, thanks! :)

  5. Can't wait to get home to see these-stupid iPhone isn't playing them :(

  6. lol! thanks suz! i really appreciate all of your enthusiasm and support for the project. (and your frustration at not getting to see new posts right away!) ;)

  7. Hehe-- better signal=viewage!!
    I loved seeing kids that aren't normally center stage get a chance to be interviewed. It's good to see that through these experiences they really have confidence and goals they might not have otherwise had. YOU ROCK KIDDOS- and Mr. B.

    Ps- not nice to laugh at my frustration. ;) ;)

  8. Amazing, just absolutely amazing. These kids are very inspiring!

  9. SUZ: sorry! a serious situation never to be taken lately! :)

    KRISTIN: thank you...

  10. I'd probably download every single snippet of sound if PS22 were on itunes or the like.
    And I guess, I'm not alone on this.

  11. thanks z, i hope you will indeed have the opportunity to do so at some point.... :)

  12. really amazing!!
    i come from Hong Kong :)

  13. Your spot on GMA inspired me this morning. Shared your kids' YouTube clips with all my music teacher friends.

  14. Are PS22 Chorus t-shirts available for sale? The kids sound great.


  15. Hey Mr. B--

    I saw a piece about the great work you're doing a couple days ago on the news. I'm in Washington, DC and I'm a singer and pianist. But during the day I work for Chorus America, the national service organization for choruses and we just released a study about the benefits of choral singing for children and youth that was featured on CBS Sunday Morning: I thought you would like to see/share the clip. Also, if you are interested in reading more about the study check it out on our website:

    I love it when stories like this can help to show that singing together is a positive influence on many facets of our lives, and those of young people.

    All the best,
    Cory Davis

  16. You and your students are so inspiring. I played in school band all throughout high school and I can honesty say my life was enriched and enhanced from being part of the music program. What can we do to help your program and other music programs stay in the schools? Thank you for bringing so much attention to how important music and the arts is in school. You are a huge inspiration!

  17. I wish the best of luck to your school! These kids are sooooo amazing it must be sad to see them go every year! but atleast you have a new set of talented kids each year to work with! I am so happy for you and the kids! The school i go to now has a bad chorus! They dont show the emotion or feeling or greatfulness like these kids! And the way you take the time to suit each kid into thier comfort zone is amazing! The teacher that works with the chorus in my school just makes the kids sing the same note and you can hear the struggle. They are not as nearly as half as good as your chorus! BRAVO!

  18. I absolutely LOVE ps 22 chorus and your inspirational! My favorite is you guys singing "waiting for superman.". I would love to purchase a ps 22 t shirt...are they available? Keep on singing kids, you are beautiful and so very gifted. From Stacy in MT


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-- MGMT. :)

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