Saturday, June 20, 2009

New York, New York, New York, and AMERICA!!

The PS22 Chorus will be featured this week all over New York, starting with a write-up in the Sunday edition of The New York Post! Then tune in Sunday and Monday to NY1 every other hour as they feature the chorus, not just in the Staten Island edition, but airing wherever NY1 airs! And we're still not done! The kids will appear in the June 22nd issue of New York Magazine! Again, so awesome to get all of this local recognition and exposure!

Beyond that, we're really psyched about Monday morning, as the kids will be appearing on GOOD MORNING, AMERICA all across the nation! The kids will be singing sporatically throughout the second hour of the broadcast in front of a live audience and it should be a blast!! Crazy exciting!!! The PS22 media frenzy seems to be heating up!!


  1. Holy cow!!! You weren't kidding about having a lot more news. Will have to set the DVR for the Good Morning America show!! It's funny though cuz I was thinking ya'll should be doing the Today Show on the plaza--it's kinda close. I wonder if the post article will make it in editions down here?

    Thanx for the update and giving me something fun to read during a 7 mile tunnel backup-- got any more rabbits left to pull out of your hat?

  2. you'll have to tell ME if it's in editions by you. hope so! but it will definitely be posted online for all to see. today show would be great too, but i have no complaints about GMA! should be a blast!

    and yes, we have a pretty ample supply of rabbits that we're saving until things are solidified.... we're not done. :)

  3. I will definitely check out GMA on Monday, thanks for posting that...I read Sue's comment, what about Regis and Kelly?, Morning Show on CBS?

  4. Will definitely pick up up a copy and let you know. Be careful leaving the rabbits in the hat for too long, they seem to be mutiplying rather quickly in there;) ;)

  5. CHRISSY: awesome! and yeah, we'll do any and all, if and when the opportunity arises.

    SUZ: the rabbits do indeed multiply but sometimes they do need time to gestate... ;)

  6. Hi Mr.B!!! and congratulations for the work you have been doing all this time wiht your kids.
    I'm Carlos, I'm Spanish. Last week I saw a piece of news in a news program here in Spain (the channel was LaSexta) and I have saw some of your songs in youtube. Have you ever thought in making a trip to Europe with the choir and giving concerts. You could be a new phenomenon!!!
    Best wishes and keep working this way. You and your kids are awesome!!!

  7. guys are everywhere (and I couldn't be happier) I luv, luv, luv the kid's version of "Just Dance" Terzah and Mariah are awesome! Just when I think I've seen all of your best soloists for the year (Allie, Jared, Elijah, April, etc) there's another. Are you growing soloists in the school's biology lab or what? I'm sure you've been asked this a LOT, but any plans for these songs to be on itunes? My ipod awaits....

  8. CARLOS: awesome to hear that we made spanish news.... thanks!

    SUSAN: o yes indeed, are science teacher is amazing. and we believe in integrating the curriculum. ;) i-Tunes is a very likely possibility... stay tuned.

    GOC: thanks!

  9. These kids are wonderful. Such joy in their voices and especially their faces. You can feel their love of music from their souls into your own. I got goosebumps watching them this am on GMA. Stay sweet and pure.
    PMay, Ohio

  10. I am watching you now and you guys are incredible! The arrangements are amazing and the kids are so talented and poised. What a wonderful gift you're giving not only to these students, but to the world.

  11. thanks, patty & liv! glad to hear people enjoyed the performances this morning. (i haven't even gotten a chance to watch them yet!) :)

  12. Fabulous sound today-- the kids did another top notch performance! I hope they had as much fun as it seemed on TV-- I just wish they would have featured more than one full length song! Can't wait to see the edits you get from the network.


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-- MGMT. :)

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