Saturday, June 20, 2009

PS22 Chorus Gets A Call From The U.S. Secretary of Education!!

It was an amazing honor to get a phone call at home yesterday from U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan! The Secretary is the head of the Department of Education and also a member of the President's Cabinet! He is 16th in the line of sucession for the presidency. So you can imagine my surprise to receive his call! The Secretary was extremely complimentary and expressed his appreciation of the kids and their accomplishments. He also asked if I felt the future of the program was in jeopardy. (Of course, there is always the chance funding could get cut, circumstances being what they are.) He gave me his number and told me to call upon him if ever we needed any assistance. In times like these, it's good for the chorus to have friends like the Secretary, and I'm extremely grateful to him for such a kind offer. But wow!! It's still mind-blowing to me just how far the voices of the chorus seems to be carrying lately. To I'm so proud of you kids, and this ought to make you guys extremely proud too!


  1. WOW!!! Unbelievable-- hopefully he's had a chance to read the blog, see the TV specials, etc and can do something to help your kids continue with music in middle school by increasing funding and re-opening programs. I know the driving force behind the success they have found is because of you but there are still good teachers that would love TRY and replicate what you've done.

    Seriously... what's next.... what an amazing ride for ya'll this year!

  2. oh there's more.... ;) we'll see how long these tired eyes hold out for, but if i don't post tonight, i will tomorrow! thanks suz!

  3. WHAT! MORE??? I can't even fathom what other details you have up your sleeve...

    seriously though after the eventful week you've had I have no idea how your still awake-- a nice week long coma would probably do you well! (luck for me we are on vacation as of yesterday-- sleeping in was wonderful!)

  4. awesome, congrats and enjoy! :)

  5. Congratulations! How nice to have the recognition from the higher-ups! Kudos to you!

  6. thanks audra! it really is a fantastic honor...

  7. Being from Chicago, where Mr. Duncan and Obama are from I can say this is an extremely awesome thing having him contact you personally. I think for the first time in a long time we have a Secretary of Education who gets it. And appreciates teachers like yourself who also get it. Sometimes education is more than just reading a book, it's collaborating amongst your peers and building something from nothing. Cheers to you! I loved the movie "School of Rock" for much more than the music it was a true learning experience, and I feel you have been able to capture this in real life, not Hollywood.

  8. man, i have to see this movie already.... thanks slip, i appreciate your comment! :)

  9. Mr. B,
    I had the chance a few nights ago to catch a story on ABC News Now Late night like 3am lol And I was simply amazed and blown away by these kid's talent. And that I went on Youtube and ive watched almost every video there was that you put on there. Even typing this I still have chills going thru my spine. These Kids have some serious talent. And in My opinion they have more talent and singing abilities than alot of he mainstream talent out there now and over the past several years. Listening to these kids sign hs brought back some great memories of my childhood growing up in school and singing in the chorus. I respect everything you do from the bottom of my heart. I really do. It sucks what this country is going thru with the encomny I just wish people would understand how much performing arts (IE Music Dance ETC) means to kids these days. If I hadnt had when I was in school I dont know how I would have been. But what I do know its its a form of relaxation freedom expression and it helps the youth mature and helps us become better people. So from the bottom of my heart I appreciate everything you hav done contune to do in the future. I really want to see these kids suceed in this as they seem to all really enjoy it like I did growing up.

    David S.,
    Chicopee, Massachuestts

  10. With all what happened right now, do you still have time to sleep?

    Congrats to what you and the kids have achieved.

    I love watching the videos. It always makes me feel good.

    Greetings from Germany.

  11. Hola,soy Sara y tengo 18 años,quería deciros que sois alucinantes,me recordais bastante a la pelicula de School of rock,pero aun asi,lo vuestro es realmente real y eso es lo que os hace diferentes y asombrosos. Seguir así, me encantan vuestras voces.

    Saludos desde Galicia (Spain)

  12. I am not surprised at all that Mr. Duncan contacted you.. Look at the exposure your kids have had!.. See someone does listen, I bet he will help implement funds so that music programs will stay alive in the school system

  13. ELLEN: oh yeah, sleep is a thing of the past...

    SARA: gracias por el commentario magnifico.....

    CHRISSY: ha! then i was surprised for the both of us!! :)

  14. O, ye of little faith!. lol, I even notice u have a bit of talent!. piano, guitar, and u can even sing, I heard ya on the video, c'mon!..
    Embrace this time, hard work pays off.

  15. thanks chrissy, and i certainly won't argue your last statement! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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