Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NIGHTLINE ('nuff said!)


Looks like it's a go! The kids are earning themselves some major prestige with a Nightline appearance tonight at 11:30 PM locally on ABC. (Check your local listings to be sure of time and channel!) Thanks to producer Wonboo Woo for keeping us posted with all the latest information, and for contributing to the amazing write-up on the chorus promoting the segment, which can be seen on ABC News Nightline page, or here in the screen cap below. We are all so excited to see the piece tonight, and hope everyone will be up late watching!(Except for the kids themselves, who had BETTER be sleeping now because they have a BIG day tomorrow....)

Also, must be mentioned that the kids are currently on the front page of the ABC News website! (See screencap below.) A VERY exciting time to be a part of the PS22 Chorus!! Congrats kids!!!


  1. WOW!!! How did that come about?

  2. thanks suz! the kids filmed their segments this past tuesday and friday.... should be a great feature if it airs tonight, which as of now, it still is supposed to.... :)

  3. hello, i'm from spain (I don't speack english very well, sorry). i have a question: does Cd PS22 exist? I love your music and I want a your music in a CD, it's possible?

  4. no CD yet, but we're working on possibilities for the future. :)

  5. That's an awesome write-up! I can't wait to catch the segment~~but I'm hoping it won't be the very last piece... a little sleep would be nice!

  6. you and me both, suz!!


    (sleepy smiley....)

  7. I see intravenous coffee in the very near future!

  8. you guys are AWESOME! I am watching you all on nightline right now!!!!...I cannot get enough of you guys!.....keep up the great work!....and keep your heads need to make a cd...I would be the first to buy it!

  9. This is what truly brings people hope - to see children have this opportunity, to be confident, to respect each other, express themselves with music and to have FUN!

    It has brought tears of pride and joy to my eyes. Congratulations to you all!

  10. wow! congrats! i just watched this on nightline tonight. i think what you're doing for the kids is awesome. these children are so talented!

    queens, ny

  11. That was awesome!!!
    Finally a feature length giving ya'll the props you totally deserve Love the shots of the kids just singing in the halls. It makes me sad to think how much money we (in VA) are still putting into music programs here that kids really aren't that interested in and knowing these kids won't have that chance. It was like pulling teeth to get kids to sign up for music classes for middle school.

    WELL worth staying up for!

  12. Rock on, kiddos! I sarted singing in elementary school and music has been an incredible part of my life since then. Big bravos to Mr. B!!!!

  13. Just watched nightline. and twitt about it. i am proud of those kids. i was one of those yrs ago. the reason why we need the music and arts program in school. stay blessed, stay strong.

  14. I was deeply touched by the segment tonight on Nightline. God bless you and your work.

  15. Simply amazing. I am in awe. Please everyone write your congressman/woman and ask for them to support arts in the classroom. As a teacher I cannot express the importance of this. Thank you for inspiring me to live to my fullest potential as an educator. My students and I will be watching this on the first day of school!

  16. Beautiful performance by the children, hats off to you too!Totally blew me away...had to google it ASAP!

  17. I saw you on Nightline tonight. Two hours later, I'm still obsessing over your YouTube videos. You are an amazing teacher. The kids are unbelievably talented. I had tears streaming down my face while I listened to them.

  18. Aloha e Mr. B,

    I'm very excited and inspired by your story on Nightline. A wonderful story for everyone to hear about. I'm watching it right now as I write this. I'm also an elementary school teacher in Hawaii and hope that I can inspire my students like how you do. Your students are very lucky to have such a wonderful caring teacher. Keep up the great work! And congratulations to you and your students.

  19. Congratulations! I commend you for the amazing work you are doing with these kids! I watched the story last night and smiled during the entire piece! You are touching their lives in a way they will never forget and i'm sure they have touched yours. I am so happy to know programs like this exist and hope the kids continue with their love for music even after they leave your class.
    Thank you for making a difference!

    Frida Villalobos
    Houston TX

  20. How can we watch the Nightline footage if we missed it last night? Will you be posting?

  21. for anyone who missed the spot - it's up online at:

    thanks to mr. b, the chorus, and everyone at ps 22!

  22. Bravo!
    Mad PROPS!

    Imagine a system wide program like yours...

    Thanks a musical THRILLion!

    To the infinitely mysterious power of music and all arts,
    Deepest gratitude,

    Jaime Austria
    Creator of the Secretary of the Arts Petition inspired by Quincy Jones.

  23. cerisa@azoffmusic.comJune 11, 2009 at 3:05 PM

    Hi Mr B,
    I work with the band Survivor and Frankie Sullivan (co-writer of "Eye of the Tiger") would love to come visit you and the kids. Feel free to contact me if you'd like. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  24. For those of you, who missed the episode. You can watch it online.
    I just did and wasn't surprised to find out that it's wonderful. :-)

  25. I watched the Nightline segment last night and couldn't hold back the tears. What a beautiful and amazing thing you have all done. I am an attorney for children in foster care in Arkansas. A group of us will be traveling to New York in August for a conference and I was curious whether you would be performing anywhere by then. I understand that the kids are moving on to a new grade, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask. I would LOVE to see these kids sing in person! What an inspiration!

  26. love the title of the ABC link ~~can't wait to see footage from tonight.

  27. It was a truly touching piece on Nightline. I saw the video on a popular Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks blog (

    Mr B: I know everyone is sad to see the 5th graders go on and possibly have no chorus to sing in (I know I was, you can truly tell it has impacted some of these kids deeply!) Will you be able to help any of them find some local/community resources or something so they can keep going with their singing?

  28. What you're doing is so inspirational- and I think it's amazing what you do with the kids. Just wanted to let you know that Ashton Kutcher just twittered about you again :) You should be so proud of what you are doing- congratulations on all of your successes! It's people like you and these kids who make the world a better place.

  29. Love the Nightline feature. It really is a shame that so many schools are cutting music programs. It truly does make a difference. I'm working on my Masters to go into teaching and I hope that where ever I teach, the kids have the opportunity to experience music and the arts in that school.

  30. these comments are flying everytime i look at dis

    josh d

  31. you guys have inspired a lot people, josh! you should be proud! and thanks to all people who left messages on this post -- sorry i couldn't personally respond to each and every one, but just know i DO read them all, and am thrilled to hear from all of you! right, josh??? ;)


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

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