Friday, June 12, 2009

Meeting Stevie at MSG

After having her breath taken away by the PS22 Chorus "Landslide" video, Stevie Nicks and the rest of Fleetwood Mac had us down to Madison Square Garden on Thursday for a musical rendezvous! She took the time to shake hands and hug (Elijah even got a kiss, the happy boy!) every single member of the chorus when she greeted us. She told the kids about the first time she saw their video of "Landslide," and how it brought her to tears.

Stevie went on to say how watching the PS22 Chorus version of "Landslide" on the internet took her back to when she was first starting her career in music, in her late twenties. ("I know that seems incredibly old to you guys," she joked.) She told the chorus how she wrote "Landslide" and put it on a little dinky tape recorder and then gave it to guitarist Lindsay Buckingham. And he would shape it into something completely beautiful. Her message to the kids was that a completely humble beginning led her to where she is now, playing at Madison Square Garden, one of the biggest stadiums in the world. And now the kids' humble beginning has brought them there too. She was repeatedly telling the kids that anything is possible, and all their dreams can come true.

Ms. Nicks also spoke about what it was like to be a woman in a male dominated music industry. She revealed her strength, saying, "I never allowed myself to be treated like a second class citizen." The kids were really taken with her and obviously inspired. And they ALL loved the way she smelled, and told her so! It was adorable.

Then the PS22 Chorus took the stage at Madison Square Garden, with Stevie Nicks as an audience. You could see the sheer delight all over her face as the kids did an utterly gorgeous version of "Landslide," including a one-line intro from another Fleetwood Mac song, "Silver Springs," as a little surprise.

Stevie burst on to the stage after the kids were finished and expressed her enthusiasm for the performance. I wish I could remember all the amazing things she said. Chorus member Mariah remembers Stevie saying that she hopes they remember this moment for the rest of their lives, and then she got a big hug. One quote that I am sure of, as it was the last thing she said to the kids after they sang (I had my mom write it down):

"I will never forget it, and being in your presence.... as long as I live."

After that, the band took the stage for their soundcheck which the kids got to watch! They sounded incredible, and it was just an unforgettable thrill to be exchanging these private performances. After the band left the stage, the kids were taken to a back room of MSG to eat dinner with the crew and band, where on the way we ran into drummer Mick Fleetwood and the previously mentioned Lindsay Buckingham, who both had some very kind words about the kids as well! When all was said and done, the kids left the arena with Fleetwood Mac T-shirts and an experience of a lifetime....

Later on, when the band took the stage for the actual performance, Stevie dedicated "Landslide" to the kids, and spoke about how she watched them on Nightline the night before. Here is an account from the kind person who let me know about it: "She came out and dedicated the song to them. Said how lucky she was to be able to hear them perform for her earlier in the day and how proud and touched she was by their total involvement in their performance."



  1. Their grandparents will be sooo jealous! ;-) What you achieved with these kids is simply incredible. It must still feel like a dream to you.

  2. That sounds like it was another incredible experience for the kids. Great writing Mr. B-- it's hard to put moments like that into words but you really got the feeling. I can't believe there was no video/photos.

  3. Gregg...I am finally getting caught up on your site and am AMAZED at all this superstar attention!!!!
    Just wanted to say it is so great that others find the beauty and love and inspiration that I found long ago in the chorus. You guys are ALL superstars! Let's write soon :)

  4. stevie was da bomb
    she also smelled so good

    josh d

  5. SUZ: Thanks. Yeah, let's not even talk about the photo/video thing.... ;)

    PV: I loves ya, baby! :)

    JOSH: She DID smell good, Josh. It's called "eau de superstar toilette"....

  6. toilette means toilet right
    i didn't know toilets smelled so good

    josh d(:

  7. LOLOLOL!!! josh, that was classic... (eau de toilette is the french term for perfume or cologne)

  8. I'm assuming Stevie didn't want to be photographed/filmed before the show (she IS usually particular about that)...anyway it was a great thing to read about.

    Stevie Nicks truly is an inspiring figure and a special person. I hope the kids will take the things she told them to heart and remember them always...

  9. there were pics taken chris. hoping the management comes thru. stevie was magical. and the kids were totally inspired and touched by her presence.

  10. is this a shot from management?

  11. Very proud of you guys! What a magical event, never to be forgotten......


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-- MGMT. :)

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