Saturday, June 13, 2009

ASHTON KUTCHER'S "All-Time Favorite Choir"


Ashton Kutcher has tweeted again about The PS22 Chorus on his Twitter page. This time he says,

"My all-time favorite choir strikes again..."

Then he gives the link to "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey as performed by The PS22 Chorus!! This is the third time Ashton's written about us and we're incredibly proud to have him as a fan! And in case you missed our previous posting of the song, here it is below.


  1. Its a shame you guys didn't get to video this meeting, I'm sure it will remain etched in their memories....especially Elijah's.. ; )


  2. Mr. B, you are AMAZING!!!! Just pure joy to watch you with the kids. I think back to my choir days in a public school system (so many years ago) and they were the highlight of my school days and I still think back to those times often with great fondness. Music is life. You are the rock star of all rock stars. You inspire. God Bless.


  3. MR. ALFINEZ: If the management is honorable, they will send us pics and video....

    GRACE: Thank you!! Music is life indeed!!! :)

  4. ashton kutcher seems cool

    josh d(:

  5. anyone who gives you guys proper respect is cool in my book too, josh!! :)

  6. Your videos keep reminding me over and over why I want to teach music. Keep it up and God bless :]


  7. thanks lacy, this career comes highly recommended.... :)

  8. Just saw you guys on ABC World News and I think you guys are amazing!

  9. you guys are doing a wonderful job!
    i wish i would have had such a music education in my school career....but unfortunately i didn't.
    keep up the work and never give up on any song!

    p.s. maybe you could do a pearl jam cover one day?

  10. I got tears watching this. That young man that solo'd did an amazing job, I got goosebumps! Great job all!

  11. Laurie from Shrewsbury, MAJune 16, 2009 at 5:15 PM

    I came from a school system that encouraged music and today still has a very strong music program despite the tough economic times. Some of my fondest school memories come from experiences with our band and chorus. Our music instructors were amazing and poured their hearts and souls into making our program the best it could be and then made it better. Their dedication always went above and beyond the spectrum of ordinary music teachers. I am truly thankful to have been part of such an important program. I am sure that the PS22 Chorus will feel this way about Mr. B and the unique experiences they had as a member of the chorus. Best of luck and keep the music coming!

  12. awesome.. haven't been watching much tv lately i guess.. found you through blogger's "blogs of note" today.. amazing stuff!!

  13. thanks for these amazing comments!! wish i could reply to each one individually, but things are hectic now, as you might imagine! but seriously, seriously appreciated all!! :)

  14. Hi Mr. B & PS2. That was so sweet of Stevie Nicks to treat the kids to the backstage happenings. I'm curious about one thing- Why didn't PS2 perform "Landslide" during the actual concert? PLEASE finish "Silver Springs", the excellent way "Landslide" was performed, I can only imagine how great this classic (and beautiful), song will sound!

  15. a little too late for this year, but i won't rule it out for the future! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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