Saturday, June 13, 2009

Nightline, PS22 Style....

After the chorus wrapped up their filming of last week's Nightline segment, as we often like to do, we turned the tables on correspondent Sheryn Alfonsi. The kids took over her role and asked her about her experience with the PS22 Chorus. She also finally settles an age-old dispute between Joey and me -- Who's got the better rows?


  1. hey mr.b i luv the little interviewers u got there that wuz funni and i really enjoyed it 2!!!!


  2. yeah, that was hysterical!! btw, i am SOO sorry because i think i forgot to tell you how absolutely and thoroughly gorgeous you sounded singing the solo on nightline. you have one of the most beautiful voices i've ever heard, april. :)

  3. y thanx mr.b i thought u meant about forever young but ohk n btw u dont have 2 b srry its ohk


  4. you and bahira on forever young are absolutely astounding....

  5. hey!!!!hey!!!!hey!!elijah , joseph .and baba did a great job on the interviews!!!hilarious!! did you see nightline viva la vida sounded great i loved the part when april came in right after the beautiful singing of the chorus!!! i really dont want to leave we only have 7 days of skool left not counting 1/2 days graduation too i have REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY loved being in the chorus!!!!!!! ill never ever in my life for as long as i live ( just like stevie nicks) ever forget the chorus or the wonderful teacher who changed all our lifes with music uve brought us many oppurtunities that NO ONE could ever have!!!! thankx a million!!! are we gettin our slips tommorow ????


  6. thanx mr.b i bet bahira would say the same !!!!!!!!!!!!!


  7. BAHIRA & APRIL: i have the coolest chorus ever. you guys always prove that point with your comments. and yes, bahira, slips are going out tomorrow! :)

  8. y thank u!!!


  9. Baaba ya killing me
    my face was smiling da whole time

  10. Mr. B, Just saw you and kids on ABC! WOW. I am blown away.
    I would love to post one of your videos on my blog. This is an inspiring story in the midst of the recession that warms my heart.
    I hope that you continue to give these special kids music education.
    And btw, your blog is great. If you ever get tired of music, you could have a career in Internet marketing.

    The Recessionista Blog

  11. thanks mary! i appreciate that! we're proud of the blog, but mostly those we're featuring on it! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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