Monday, June 08, 2009

The Bonnie Hunt Show

Thanks to The Bonnie Hunt Show for granting permission to post our recent appearance in its entirety on the blog.


  1. No, everyone is wondering, what you're goning to do with the money...


  2. well for one, throw these kids the best end of the year party possible.... :)

  3. I feel sure they will figure out a way to spend that money if given the chance... ;)
    I hope they enjoy every minute of it! TOTALLY well deserved for you to get the money... and not at all surprising that you will spend it on them!

  4. Did I hear that right? Did she ask you out?

  5. u looked happy wit that money :)

    josh d

  6. SUZ: thanks for your usual kindness!! :)

    ANDY: have a feeling it was just a joke... ;)

    JOSH: actually, i was pretty shocked! :O

  7. Thanks for posting that Gregg, you truly deserve the gift for what you do, not only for your kids, but all over the country. What you are doing has raised awareness and I hope it continues to. Schools NEED the arts.

  8. thank you chris! and if what you say is true, i'm very happy! :)

  9. your kids are the best argument i've seen for funding arts education. i'll be posting about you on my blog tonight.

  10. thanks wheels! i appreciate you spreading the word. :)

  11. was a great moment, though! You can tell someone who works with kids b/c comments like that don't throw you off. It's just another part of the conversation. As someone who has worked with kids a lot, I'm rarely shocked by things people say :o)

    On a more serious note, it's always refreshing to see someone who puts so much into their job and actually gets some recognition. You're an inspiration! And the kids are, of course, amazing!

  12. I thank Office Max for recognizing Mr. B and rewarding him in a way that shows they are serious about ending teacher funded classrooms. Mr. B deserves to do whatever he wants with the $10,000 dollars but I hope he does something totally for himself. He deserves it.

    p.s. I'm hooked on watching and listening to the PS22 chorus.

  13. I thank the Lord above for teachers such as you. I wish this world had more. Congratulations and Thank You.

  14. I just want to say that I always wanted a teacher like Mr. B but was never so lucky. Music is who I am. It is sometimes hard to find people who appreciate and feel music as strongly as I do. Tears came to my eyes when I saw that these students do. Keep up the good work Mr. B. These kids will never forget you for who you've helped them become and how you have helped them grow.

    Shanell-Sheridan, Wy

  15. thanks shanell! but in all fairness, these kids have brought as much to me as i have to them.


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-- MGMT. :)

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