Saturday, June 06, 2009

Just A Small Town Chorus.....

Here's another request that came from the kids (Elijah and Jared), the teachers, and even from some PS22 Chorus fans too. The song, "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey, has fast turned from an eighties classic to a timeless classic. And the PS22 Chorus extraordinaire delivers some rather outstanding harmonies that recreate it into something completely its own, and pretty darn special too! Another surprise favorite of the year! Soloist Elijah gives Steve Perry (lead singer of Journey) a run for his money, doing a rockin' job with his amazing talent!

UPDATE! This video has achieved THREE honors already, including the #22 Top Rated Music Video today! Congrats to Elijah and the chorus! See screencap below!


  1. I feel a bit silly posting a comment here, but I was really moved by this song this morning and thought a little encouragement is never lost on anyone.

    I live in Berlin, Germany. I work in humanitarian aid. A friend sent me a link to Viva la Vida a couple of weeks ago when I was in Beirut, Lebanon. Through our first rate internet connection we were blown away by the "techno" remix we experienced. WHAT TALENT!

    Since then, I have to admit I have bought the Passion Pit CD because of the PS 22 blog. I, who never before was able to, have become a Tori Amos fan. My musical life has been impacted. (Which is humbling, as I like to think of myself as a musical non-conformist... what a joke.)

    I have been so inspired by year after year of your chorus'. I have loved your mom's commentary and obvious love for you. I have also been incredibly impressed that in 8 years your commitment to the kids seems to have grown stronger. You are a bit of a ghost in this as far as a "fan" is concerned and that is really beautiful.

    This morning, as I woke up this morning with some really arduous tasks in front of me... After an evening of terrible sleep and bad dreams, I made breakfast and sat down to avoid what I have to do today (even now it makes my stomach turn.) I keep thinking, why do I do this? This is so hard... I logged into google reader and PS 22 was singing Don't Stop Believing.

    I am not any of the big name stars that are moved by your chorus or what you are doing. I am just a normal girl in Berlin, Germany trying really hard to keep my $%&# together enough to make a little difference in the world. But I am replaying this video again and again and letting it encourage my tired soul today.

    You lead a choir, you impact these kids lives which is invaluable... But in the process, for some reason, the work that you guys are doing is encouraging the hearts of people far away. Thank you.

    Have a fantastic weekend.

  2. Outstanding! I love this song... and the fact that these young kids will have such an eclectic background in music after their time in chorus. Elijah did terrific job with the solo-- way to go!

    The brave soul at the end who dared to steal your coffee... clearly he had gotten so wrapped up in the song that he lost his mind-- NEVER mess with a teacher's coffee!

    Is this their graduation song?

  3. Awesome rendition of a great Journey classic. The young man & the entire chorus rocked.

  4. CRICKET: You don't have to be a "big name star" to make a difference or an impact. Thanks for making a big one with your message!! That was really something special.... :)

    SUZ: Nick lost his mind a LONG time ago.... ;)

    ANOM & MELODEE: Thank you so much!! :)

  5. hey mr.b i luv the picture of baaba and the altos in the background , i also luv the video that wuz so much fun and elijah did a great job 2 i see why ms.lisa and ms.johnson were blown away because i can tell 2 !!!!cant wait until mon. or tues. its a new day and beginning 4 me and its doesnt bother me at all im really happy 2 help !!!!


  6. yeah, you guys are fantastic on this one.... and yeah, if anyone can handle switching his/her role in chorus, it's you!! i think it will really help the group a lot with you making the switch! thanks for being up for the challenge.... :)

  7. You give me hope that music will carry on in schools in a day and age when it seems all the focus is on athletics. The arts are something that gives kids confidence and the ability to express themselves - you have given such a gift to these kids. Publicizing it like this will hopefully show people that we NEED this kind of thing in our schools today.

    Thank you for what you do for these kids. They are lucky to have such a passionate teacher to lead them. I wish every school could be so lucky. These kids obviously love what they're doing and are great at it. I love it when you post new videos and I really loved this newest one.

  8. thank you, karyn! and yes, that is a wonderful thing if putting these videos out there is renewing the public's underderstanding of the value of the arts in schools. and yes, this video seems to be hitting home for a lot of people, including the director. :)

  9. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one affected by these kids... and I work with great kids everyday! There is something that is just absolutely phenomenal that is going on between you and these kids. I think of myself as a great teacher and my kids all love me but I don't know if I would ever be able to pull off what you are doing (even if I was musically trained). It truly is remarkable!

  10. WOWZA!!
    that was incredible.

    i've been listening to the original of this recently, and now that the kids did it, it's my favorite song EVER!!!

    so one thing. IDK if you follow hockey, but the Penguins and Red Wings are in the Stanley Cup Final. This, to me, is the penguins' (i'm a pens fan!) song. don't stop believing.... yeah, it's a great message.
    whwnwver i sing it, instead of saying "born and raised in south detroit" (where the redwings are from" i say "born and raised in SOUTH PITTSBURGH!" so much better!!

    ha that's all. just wanted to say i loved it :]

  11. yeah yeah yeah, another comment.
    but i was wondering, do you take requests often for songs? because i would LOVE to hear their version of "The Scientist" by Coldplay. we all know they rock at coldplay songs, so why not try another amazing one!

    thanks :]

  12. hello my name is raquel, i spanish and i doon't know speack english very well... I love your voices and your songs and i have a question for you: Have you a CD? I want buy your music!!! (

  13. OMG!!!! I love this song and hearing it from these very talented children! I was just blown away! I started to cry! These kids are amazing! I am sure all of them will have great futures! Keep up the good work!

  14. i luv da way elijah sings ''oh the movie never ends'' part

    funny end\

    josh d

  15. no problem anytime ,and ur welcome !!!!!anything 4 u mr.b !!!=)


  16. you're the best! by the way, april, i sent bahira the song i want you guys working on. try to get it from her... :)

  17. hey thanx mr.b and i will tyr to get in touch w/ her 2 thanx so much again !!!


  18. Journey never sounded so good! Thanks for this. I love it! :)

  19. APRIL: great! and thank YOU! :)

    RAIN: sounds good to me!! ;)

  20. WOW
    these comments are amazing im so glad to hear that people love our music!! it makes me happy to see that we make other people happy!!\

  21. as well it should! congrats, allie! :)

  22. I think you and your kids are absolutely amazing! I think you should perform the song "Mary Jane" by Alanis Morisette. I think it is such a heartfelt song and that your kids could bring such emotion to it!


  23. im not going to stop watching this
    i probably watched it 58 thousand trillion times cant forget nick STEALING your coffee


    josh d

  24. JEREMY: i'll give it a listen, thanks for the suggestion....

    JOSH D: well if you were a REAL trooper you would have watched it 58 thousand trillion and 1 times!!! ;)

    yup, great video!!

  25. Brian T. Smith, Lansing, MIJune 16, 2009 at 10:11 PM

    Shut the front door! I have been hiding under a rock while you've done so much. Mr. B, you are the one that will inspire America to push for keeping music programs in our schools. I am not Ashton Kutcher or Perez Hilton, but as a person who performed professionally for 23 years before heading to law school, you are beautiful. You are correct in saying that you have the most beautiful and talented kids to work with. As you know by now, you are truly an inspiration! I can't thank you enough for what you are doing. Words aren't enough!
    Brian T. Smith in Lansing, MI

  26. thanks brian!! awesome comment! :)

  27. they sang this song so beautifully. i cant wait until we sing it

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126

  28. practicing for saturday!!! cant wait!

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126


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-- MGMT. :)

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