Wednesday, June 03, 2009

HOLLYWOOD 411 Part Deux

Hollywood 411, the entertainment show on the TV Guide Network did a story on the PS22 Chorus a few weeks back, and tonight they aired a part 2 of the PS22 Chorus segment! Watch it below.

In this segment:

1) This time you hear more from the kids, who show that their music comes from a place that's even bigger than their voices. Have I said lately, coolest kids ever?

2) If you listen closely, you can hear correspondent Maria Sansone singing along during Coldplay's "Viva La Vida." (Also featured in the video are excerpts of the kids singing "Everybody's Changing" by Keane, and the kids biggest internet 'hit,' "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor.)

3) You get an inside view of my tonsils for what seems to last about 3 of the 2 minutes of the running time of the video.....

4) You even get to see Mr. B and Mrs. B.... the proud presenters of your local chorus director.


  1. another great spot- still think you deserve feature length! Great job kids-- your "king" has led you well.

  2. thanks suz! it seemed like a feature length view of the inside of the tonsils during "everybody's changing".... ;)

  3. haha! at least you know what your kids will be joking you on next... if nothing else this job (read as "the kids") will certainly keep you humble!
    Can't wait to see a snippet of this years graduation song ;) ;)

  4. fairly sure it's coming this weekend.... :)

  5. hey king b u know i lik that name now and can get used 2 it 2 ! and i will also lik 2 say a thanx 2 suz who made that name up i think so ? but anyway i did c the show last nite 2 n i enjoyed it !!! =)


  6. hi april! missed you guys at school today! don't forget to wear your chorus shirt tomorrow!! :)

  7. ohk np im washing it now and i heard fr my mom !!!


  8. hey!!!!!watz up king b!!!! april reminded me!!!are they going to do a third segment or wat>???no one will miss the first segment cause u posted it twice!!!lolz itz ok!!!!e all luv the blog!! the parents who wanted to see us perform who actually gave u the idea to start this website should be well thanked do that for me plz!!!


  9. wish I could take credit for the name april ~but it wasn't me.... although I might try and get my studetns to call me queen hudson.... we will have to see how that goes!

  10. APRIL: glad your mom gave you the message!!

    BAHIRA: i guess we'll have to see if there's a part 3..... just remember your chorus shirt tomorrow....

    SUZ: queen hudson, eh?? works for me. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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