Friday, April 10, 2009

'REELING' Over The PS22 Chorus On PASSION PIT'S New Single!

The new Passion Pit album featuring The PS22 Chorus on backing vocals is due to hit stores in America on May 26th! MANNERS, the band's ingenious full-length debut LP, is a kaleidoscopic sonic experience that is everything the hype has built it up be, and then some! The kids contributed to 3 tracks, "Little Secrets", "The Reeling" (the first single!), and Let Your Love Grow Tall". (You may recall our posting the must-see FADER Magazine video a few months back, which chronicled the PS22 Chorus/Passion Pit studio experience in January. You can check that out here if you missed it, and our detailed account of the festivities here.)

Passion Pit has already released "The Reeling" as a single to the internet, and it's been getting some major airplay both domestically and overseas! Click here to have a listen! It's a fun, uplifting dance track that is dangerously catchy! (Don't say you haven't been warned!) The kids are echoing the "Oh no" in the chorus. And if you like this, just WAIT until you hear "Little Secrets"....

Passion Pit producer Chris Zane was kind enough to help us get an advanced copy of MANNERS, and there is nothing I can say here to do justice to how great this album is! I know I have a slightly biased perspective on the issue, but to lend credibility to my excitement, some of my favorite tracks are those the kids had nothing to do with. "Moth's Wings" (it's so cool how they sonically painted beating moth wings into the song's tapestry) and "Seaweed Song" are instant revelations of undeniable artistry, just as others like "To Kingdom Come" and "Eyes Like Candles" just kind of sneak up on you after a few listens. Every song on this album holds its own greatness, and it is a huge honor for us to have been a part of the creative process!


  1. I just saw the video that was sent from The Coldplay Messenger, and now I'm addicted. The kids are absolutely amazing, and remind me why I love music. Thank you and keep it up!

  2. thanks nicole! and don't worry, there are addictions that are way more unhealthy! ;)

  3. hey itz bahira!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!i cant believe it!!!i have a question bout da trip!wat if ur in virtual y ?do u have to leave da skool den come back?


  4. heyy!!am i the first chorus member 2 know bout this cuz no one left messages????


  5. well bahira, you're the first chorus kid to leave a message.... ;)

  6. oh, and yes, virtual Y kids will go home and get a quick bite to eat before coming back to school.... :)

  7. thanx, i should actually tell my sis this cuz i was to tired to~!!!!!\i cant wait to go bak to skool!


  8. hi bahira! i know, i miss you guys too! it will be great to see u again on monday! :)

  9. hey itz bahira do u have any idea wat were gonna sing?lol!


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-- MGMT. :)

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