Monday, April 20, 2009

The REELING Video Premiere!!

Today marks the official debut of Passion Pit's new video, The Reeling, which features the PS22 Chorus on backing vocals. Check it out in it's entirety above! In MTV's review, they said:

And the video is hands-down fantastic. The rip and tear style, the gritty quality, the fun shopping cart excursion, the way the layers are scraped off Angelakos’s face until you are finally able to view him… all of this reflects the style at the core of a band who became one of my favorites in 2008.


  1. im da first one to make a comment!!!!oh,yea!!igot student of the month so i was near the deli and bought the newspaper to read the article!!OMG!!i just wish we had more time cuz then we could get even more oppurtunities .tashee ,baba,april ,and alley all did a phenominal job !!!letz kepp it up!!!!


  2. i know you guys will definitely be keeping it up! and i can't wait until you have YOUR moment at the spring concert soloing on "The Call." you're going to shine! (as usual!) congrats on student of the month and a great performance! very proud!!! :)

  3. that was awesome my mom was so happy

    from alights

  4. glad we could make mom happy! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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