Friday, April 10, 2009


Here are the kids singing "Clouds" by Phats & Small, 2 amazing DJ/producers who have put out some great house music over the years. Of course the The PS22 Chorus of 2009 put their own spin on this shoulda-been hit, and I think their 'remix' is pretty darn good!

Most astoundingly, this is another song the kids learned the day it was recorded (as you see it here.) This group is just turning 'em out!


  1. hey mr.b i have 2 say that i luvvv the the title nd pix its soo kool how u do that the vid wuz alright not bad at all pretty gud nd the ending wuz great !!!!


  2. yup, you guys rocked it -- AS USUAL!! ;)

  3. hey mr.b waz guddiee lolsxz luv dha new song dha chorus iz oh so fresh i luv dem n all dha songz hope 2 c u soon. i was tryin 2 ask u if we kud have a reunion from last year!!! whoohooooo dat would b so kewl both chorus`s 2gether dAT WUD B SO KEWL LOL think about it lol
    ur shweetie ASHLEY BLAS

  4. hey ashley, round up the troops! i would love to have a chorus 08 reunion! :)

  5. hey mr.b its maya we sound great and the pic is really cool

  6. i love the pic and the song too, maya! did you listen to the reeling yet? you guys sound unbelievable!! :)

  7. yeah i heard sounded awesome maya

  8. lol r u serious???

  9. hey!!
    au nom de la FRANCE : BRAVO
    continuez, c'est génial!!

  10. hiiiiiiiii mr.b its natiie i miss u so muchh me and ash are excited for the reunion i just wanted to kno if mrs.donath was okaii cause i dnt think u wnt like 60 kids cumin up 2 ps22 lolss and when is it going to be? yur fav. natiie

  11. hey natie! i definitely still intend on having a reunion, but it's probably going to have to wait until June or the end of May perhaps. this year's chorus is keeping me quite busy at the moment, but i DEFINITELY want to this! MISS YOU!! :)

  12. this song is so great but i searched for it a 1000 times but i havent found it

    but we probably sound better
    another job well done

    josh d

  13. hard song to find. i don't think the original is on youtube.... not every song that's amazing gets the recognition that it should, like your bonnie hunt hair rap for instance.... ;)


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-- MGMT. :)

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