Thursday, April 09, 2009

It's Official!

The PS22 Chorus version of "Viva La Vida" was featured in the Official Coldplay Newsletter that was e-mailed to huge numbers of Coldplay fans across the world! Several of those fans were kind enough to e-mail me this latest edition, which contains a link to our rendition of the Grammy-winning song. Along with the link is a little blurb that calls our video "really very good." the So below is a pic of The Coldplay Messenger that was sent out to fans yesterday. (I highlighted the link to our video in red.)

Thanks to the inclusion in the newsletter, our video has received tens of thousands of viewings yesterday alone! The reaction has been overwhelmingly positive, and the kids' performance has earned them rave reviews from the Coldplay community! This video has definitely earned its status as a certified PS22 Chorus classic!


  1. It really was a riviting rendition. I fell in love with your little group, and I wouldn't have known if I didn't read it in my monthly newsletter!

  2. you guys need to team up with the young@heart folks. it would be utterly spectacular.

  3. wow thats great wat an accomplishment that we made as a chorus , ohh yea i read bahiras comment n now that i look at it far away it makes sense now i think that should b her real eye color


  4. DANIEL -- thanks for the comment! it was cool for us too, trust me!! :)

    CYCLOPTIC -- yeah, someone sent me links to some young at heart videos a while back, and it was great to see that they are doing something along similar lines to what we do, just a different age bracket! it would indeed be an honor to work with them at some point in the future! :)

    APRIL -- yup it's lobna with the "emotional landscapes" in her eyes! and that would be rather fascinating if those were her real "color!" :)

  5. yup it would b i agree lol!!!

  6. The Coldplay newsletter led me to your video and then this blog. You guys are amazing. I subscribed to your blog and look forward to seeing your future performances!

  7. thanks for subscribing to the blog rian! :)

  8. you guys are awesome.. sharing your blog with my pals. dun mind me linking you guys up..

    p/s: maybe one day, coldplay would invite you to sing with them in a performance??!!

  9. thanks XN! and yeah, playing with coldplay would be pretty darn cool! :)

  10. I just discovered this choir and remembered why I love music.The coldplay video crushed me.As a touring musician you get hard and cynical sometimes and these children brought me back to where I started. Never mind a grammy, one day I hope to see these incredible kids and thier fantastic teacher belting out a Loudlove song.. Thank you so much!
    pete hammond,

  11. that's awesome peter! good luck with the band, and we'll see what we can do about a loudlove song in the future! thanks for the comment! :)

  12. I came across the NYT article on your chorus and linked to this video. The arrangement and the kids' voices are just awesome and they are obviously having the time of their lives. As a parent, I am so thankful for teachers like you who can light up our children with their passion for music.

    By the way, on the YouTube page for this there is a link to a great a cappella version of VLV by Absolut A Cappella, a group from SUNY New Paltz. Check it out if you haven't already. You should invite them down and sing together!

    Looking forward to your first West Coast tour ... ;)

    Lafayette, CA

  13. thanks mike! and new paltz is my alma mater! i'll check them out. thanks! :)

  14. I don't think there are words to justify the feelings we get when watching you all perform. It's not just that the voices are beautiful (and they are!) but something about the enthusiasm of both the students and teachers, the pure joy, the innocence. What you feel in that room, and what we feel watching you, should be bottled and sold, but there's a problem -- it's priceless!

    Please keep singing and making music to bring yourselves and all of us such amazing happiness!

  15. thank you for that beautiful message erin! :)

  16. hey mr.B its amanda i just wanna say that the groups is excellent and that i miss you and i got into to LaGurdia all because of you thanks for teachinbg me so well.
    Love, Amanda

  17. AMANDA ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?!? CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! i'm so proud to have been your music teacher in elementary school!!! that is the most amazing news!!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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