Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The PS22 Chorus Rises Again......

Here is the final video recording of the PS22 Chorus of 2008, called appropriately enough, "Phoenix." It's a song I co-wrote in college with some guy named Nat (forgot your last name, sorry dude!) The kids did a great job in making the song sound better than it ever did before. And again, even though this was our last official recording of the year, there will be more videos and mp3s of this year's chorus surfacing soon.


  1. i luv this song i wish we could do it all over again!!! it was an awesome song one of my favs.

  2. hi,mr.b its angelicca r. guesss what im going to i.s.51 [woo-hoo!]
    ps. you no i got a mood ring it says im LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!! all the time! ahhh! omg!

  3. Thanks Ashley, I love this song more now that you added your magic touch to it!!

    And hi Angelica!! It's refreshing to see you haven't changed a bit since you left! :) Are you coming on the trip on the 25th??

  4. that was pretty sick what up b i miss even thought i saw u at eletric company but one day ill come to 22 and see your next amazing chorus

  5. hey jarred, thanks for the message, bud! i know what you mean, but we'll be seeing each other again on the 25th for lincoln center! :) the chorus of 2008 is not going down without a fight.....

  6. hey mr.b its rebecca rolon here!!! i have got to visit ps22 sometime!!! gosh! i didnt come to lincon center only because i barely knew the words! well this stinks. anywho i miss you and the school.

  7. awww, you should've come anyway, but i totally understand!!! MISS YOU BUDDY! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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