Saturday, August 23, 2008

Okay, I guess since it's August.....

...I'd better put up the inevitable graduation post. Yeah, I know, I know. So it took me a couple of months to acknowledge that the Chorus of 2008 is indeed moving on. I think that should be easy enough to understand!

It's hard saying goodbye to some of the greatest kids ever, so I'm glad I did it already!! NO WAY am I putting myself through that again!! I'll just leave you with some nice pics!

Jarred provides a memorable graduation moment!

Courtney gets a hug from Mrs. Donath as he receives an award at graduation

Ashley goes to receive her well-deserved music award

So is Michael upside down or his certificate? Hmmmmm......

Mrs. Burns and Mr. B with the amazing Ashleigh


  1. I must say, that the first time I've ever seen Tori cry was when she watched your students sing her songs. I had to grab the Kleenex as well. Your pupils have always been phenomenal and I have enjoyed watching them over the years. Thanks for being such an asset to these kids and sharing your art to the world. Blessings.

  2. Thanks, Jena, for all your kindness. I hope you'll continue to stay with us as the PS22 Chorus of 2008-9 begin their journey. :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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