Friday, August 01, 2008

My Country Tis TV.....

Be on the lookout in August for the chorus's amazing Flag Day performance, which will be airing on Staten Island's CTV throughout the month. Unfortunately the schedule I was provided does NOT include the specific channel, but it should be on either channels 34, 35, or 57.

Here are the air-dates and times:

Sunday, August 3rd 2:00-3:30 PM
Tuesday, August 5th 3:00-4:30 PM
Thursday, August 7th 4:00-5:30 PM
Sunday, August 10th 4:30-6:00 PM
Monday, August 11th 3:30-5:00 PM
Monday, August 18th 5:30-7:00 & 10:00-11:30 PM
Sunday, August 24th 4:30-6:00 PM

Below are videos from the Flag Day Ceremony, this year's and last year's.

PS22 Chorus 2008 AMERICA

PS22 Chorus 2007 FATHER'S SON by TORI AMOS


  1. hey mr.b this is a really good video!!!! i luv the songs! lol im confused what day is the trip that everyone can go on? and wat day is the day for electric company kids trip? sry just gotta get it straight lol thanx miss ya!

  2. hey ashley, i miss you so much too!! :) so happy i'll be seeing you on the 25th. that's the day of the lincoln center trip. as far as electric company. they only picked about 20 kids (mostly the dancers). the lincoln center trip is going to be AWESOME!!!!!! there are going to be over 2000 people there! so congrats on that!!! :)

  3. and on the 25th do we have to go to the school or drive to lincon center? sry for all the questions just need to know. :)

  4. no apologies necessary ashley!! we'll be meeting at 22. you'll be getting all the details next week. can't wait to see you!!! :)

  5. cant wait to see u either im so excited to see everybody again including u. this is gonna be awesome!!

  6. well gee, ashley, that BETTER include me!! or my feelings are gonna be a bit hurt over dere.... LOL!! :)

  7. sry my words cant come out right i cant wait to see u espeacially does that sound better? lol
    PS. i think i spelled espeacially wrong lol

  8. spelling doesn't count here, ashley, but allow me to say, you are ESPECIALLY adorable!! :)


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-- MGMT. :)

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