Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Great Big World & PS22 Chorus are ROCKSTARS!

After turning out a magnificent cover of the brilliant song, "Say Something," the kids of PS22 Chorus were treated to a visit from the fantastic gentlemen of A Great Big World! The two groups joined forces for a couple of smashing performances, starting with a powerful version of the aforementioned hit originally performed with Christina Aguilera! Chorus member Alyssa gave her seat to band member Chad Vaccarino and shared the piano bench and soloing duties with Ian Axel and did a knock-out job! Then the adrenalin kicked in for an unbelievable version of "Rockstar" that featured some seriously cool three and four part harmonies! After we did the two songs we planned, the guys taught the chorus a part for their song, "I Really Want It!" AND we also had a fun impromptu jam with Ian on our friends' The Mowgli's song, "San Francisco!"  Check out all four of the amazing performances below!!

Wonderful to see the great response the videos have gotten from the likes of The Huffington Post, Perez Hilton, PopCrush, VH1, and even MTV Buzzworthy! Our "Say Something" video was #1 of the Top 10 entertainment news pieces on the televised Showbiz Tonight! We leave you with some fantastic pics courtesy of Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Lisa (our videographer)! More pics can be found on our Facebook page!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Say Something....

A most beautiful cover of a most beautiful song. Our rendition of "Say Something" by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera features stellar harmonies from the PS22 Chorus and 'nocturnal twin' Alyssa effortlessly nailing her solo! And special thanks to chorus member Matthew for assisting Ms. Lisa on the filming....

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Ithacappella 2014!

Yesterday, PS22 Chorus had its annual visit from Ithacappella, our "big bros" from Ithaca College! As expected, it was a wonderful afternoon of music, mutual appreciation and inspiration! But the collaborations this year were better than ever! Case and point, check out this brilliant rendition of "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic and a special version of "Wake Me Up" by Avicii! Special props to the soloists -- on Counting Stars Ithacappella's Dave Allan, PS22 Chorus member Christopher, and our fourth grade guest Sierra! And on "Wake Me Up," soloists are Ithacappella's Ryan Kennedy and PS22's Juan!

More to come!! Stay tuned....

Friday, January 03, 2014

New Daughtry vid!

Check out this previously unseen video from Daughtry's recent visit!