Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Ithacappella 2014!

Yesterday, PS22 Chorus had its annual visit from Ithacappella, our "big bros" from Ithaca College! As expected, it was a wonderful afternoon of music, mutual appreciation and inspiration! But the collaborations this year were better than ever! Case and point, check out this brilliant rendition of "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic and a special version of "Wake Me Up" by Avicii! Special props to the soloists -- on Counting Stars Ithacappella's Dave Allan, PS22 Chorus member Christopher, and our fourth grade guest Sierra! And on "Wake Me Up," soloists are Ithacappella's Ryan Kennedy and PS22's Juan!

More to come!! Stay tuned....


  1. Fabulous!!!! usual! :-) And your lead singers....2 thumbs UP!!!

  2. You guys rock. I wonder how're camera-Lady (Miss Lisa?) managed not to sway in sync to the song, but I can't sit still when I hear you rock that hard.

    Oh, and Christopher is still there? And Sierra proves that next year's group will be grat as we'll (but I never doubted that anyways)

  3. These kids are 'fabulicious' as usual. Every year these kids grow/mature so much. A great example is Avonte - he has grown so much since your chorus auditions (live life and prosper).

    Mr B. - your magic continues.

    God bless each, and everyone of you.


    PS. I am hoping your chorus gets to sing with 'Young at Heart' again.

    PS2. Nice to see Christopher again.

  4. I want to come back :/ delaney❤


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-- MGMT. :)

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