Thursday, June 20, 2013

Young Folks

I've loved this song ever since I first heard it, but I only love it more now that the PS22 Chorus kids did their thing with it. Here is "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John!  Soloist Alicea (with a cold no less) and the chorus are perfect with just the right feel for this one, and learned it super-quick too!  Definitely one of this year's personal favorites for me, though admittedly that's becoming quite a list... Wonderful also to have 2009 chorus member Samantha (soloist on "Let There Be Peace On Earth", "Maoz Tsur", & "Tattoo") sit in with us for this! And of course ANY YouTube video with a singing Spider-man has just got to be worth the watch, no?


  1. Another year is coming to a close. These kids are brilliant. They have helped us all to survive a very tough year. They have learned to value their family, friemds, amd school. All are very important in their lives. The friendships they have develop will last a lifetime.

    Mr. B - you dipped these kids in awesome sauce at the beginning of the year - i pray it never wears off, and that you have awesome sauce for many more years to come.
    You have a gift air - you teach these kids the gift, and love, of music. bur also the gift of life - how to treat all others.

    I hope you put their graduation video on-line.

    God Bless each, and everyone, of uou.


    PS- My only regret this year is that you came to Toronto without me realizing ir - maybe next yeat you, and your chorus, will perform in this area.

    God Bless,


  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! they sound really EPIC!! i miss chorus so much but i will be visiting wayyy more the upcoming year!! can't wait!

    -kaitlynn f, class 2012


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-- MGMT. :)

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