Friday, March 01, 2013

Britt Nicole & PS22 Chorus Weave Sound Into Gold!

On Wednesday, the PS22 Chorus was visited by pop sensation, Britt Nicole, who shared with the chorus her amazing talent and inspired us all! Check out three songs from our afternoon together!!

Thanks to Britt for sharing her wonderfully positive music and energy with us, her guitarist Dustin, and to Tara and Hudson for arranging the visit! Thanks also go to Ms. Lisa for filming the videos and Scott Vollweiler for his incredible pics seen in this post. (More pics on our Facebook page".)

1 comment:

  1. I like, no love how Britt relates her songs to the kids. Especially in "Set the World on Fire." There's definitely more going on than 'just' singing. And if I'm not very mistaken it looks like you all had quite a lot of fun there. Woah, indeed.


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-- MGMT. :)

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