Monday, February 18, 2013

PS22 Chorus, Young@Heart & Sci-Tech Band Are 'Forever Young'

It is an impossible task to translate into words the magic that happened onstage yesterday as Young@Heart, PS22 Chorus & Sci-Tech Band performed separately and together during an epic concert in Northampton, MA. The "inter-generational mash-up" brought tears, delight, and boundless inspiration to both the appreciative audience and even to those of us on stage while performing! Check out three amazing highlights below and witness for yourself some of the performances that helped obliterate the generation gap!!

So many thanks to Y@H director Bob Cilman for reaching out to us and making this collaboration possible! Thanks also go to Ms. Lisa for filming the beautiful videos capturing the moment, and Mrs. Panzella for her amazing photos! More below!

1 comment:

  1. This rendition of "Forever Young" is hauntingly beautiful. Mr. B - you are leading these children down the path to be caring, compassionate, and successful individuals. i don't know if they realize it, but these kids are truly inspirational, and have brought many smiles during these turbulent times. God Bless each and everyone of you.



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-- MGMT. :)

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