Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Phillip Phillips & PS22 Chorus Preparing Online Benefit Performance!

Tomorrow (Thursday, November 15), the PS22 Chorus of 2013 will be performing an online concert with American Idol winner Phillip Phillips right on our home turf!  You can catch it live anywhere in the world by making a donation of any denomination that will go towards the victims of Hurricane Sandy via The Siller Foundation and The Red Cross! The concert will be broadcast live tomorrow at 6pm (ET) on Here is the direct link to make your donation and see the show! Hope you'll join us tomorrow on the internet for a really special one-of-a-kind performance!!


  1. i already bought a ticket to watch live tonight online i cant to watch it and donation toward hurricane sandy victims, i know of how many people who brought tickets to watch it live the red cross and the siller foundation will be getting a lot of money of donation tonight.


  2. I love Phillips Phillips. Ur awesome !!!!!!!! =D
    Ďęľåňêý.Ř 5@126

  3. hi Ďęľåňêý.Ř 5@126 you guys were awesome last night doing music with Phillips Phillips i was watching last night.


  4. We did amazing lol ��
    Nyema.w. 5@130

  5. Omg i love phillp phillps i think he was amzaing and he was really NICE.... And he was the kind of person that was chilled out i was exsided to sing for him and the people that lost there homes so we can raise the money to help those in need=-O :-) YAY


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-- MGMT. :)

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