Sunday, November 18, 2012

Phillip Phillips Joins PS22 Chorus!

On Thursday, American Idol winner Phillip Phillips joined forces with the PS22 Chorus of 2013 for an amazing half hour concert that streamed online on! Our mutual goal was to raise as much money as we could for victims of Hurricane Sandy, and all proceeds from ticket-buyers were donated to The Red Cross & The Siller Foundation! We are still waiting for the final tally of how much was raised but we're proud to announce it was a substantial amount of money that was raised! The concert was amazing, and so was the rehearsal before the fact! Phillip was in awe of the kids, and we all certainly were of him as well. He was truly one of the most fun and gracious guests we've ever had the pleasure of making music with! You can check out the good vibes and some great tunes below!

In addition to raising money for a great cause the concert has gotten rave reviews from the online community and major entertainment media! The Hollywood Reporter, Inside Edition, and many more major entertainment news media covered the event!  Below you can see the livestream in its entirety (in lo-fi with some minor glitches) and the Fox5 News piece that aired later on that evening below!

Big thanks to Phillip Phillips, his management, and for all doing their part in helping our kids have this amazing opportunity to give back to the community after Sandy's devastating blow. Also thanks go to Scott Vollweiler for his beautiful pics and Ms. Lisa for her incredible job filming the event! We leave you with some more of Scott's great pics below!


  1. and if I read that correctly on Twitter, Elvis donated the 6000$ he promised even before the concert.

    BTW: I was secretly hoping for a video of the rehearsal of Home.

    Oh, and Alicea sounds like she may have had a cold. But that didn't stop her from singing.

  2. Hi Andre! We would have liked it too, believe me, but in all the excitement, we forgot to rehearse it before we performed it together!! lol!

  3. Wait, the awesome performance was not rehearsed even once? Quoting a ceartain teacher: I'll have to lift my jaw off the floor. (Yes, I've been roaming Youtube)

  4. Mr.B, You and your kids are amazing! Congrats to all of you & Phillip Phillips for a great show! It was so much fun to watch & uplifting for all of us! Thank you!

  5. I had an amazing time singing with Phillip Phillips he's talented and cool to hang with I hope we can do it again lol ����
    Nyema 5@130

  6. What a great way of stepping away from the role of 'helpless onlooker' and 'victim' and of taking some control, becoming actively involved in helping your community, turning your passion for music into a way to help others and to rebuild. Not giving up and working together is the only way to get through something like this.
    You're only in fifth grade and look at what you can achieve already - man, I don't think there'll be anything you guys won't be able to do later in life.

    love from Austria :o)

  7. there have been so many great performances over the years it's hard to believe there is any more "uncharted territory" and yet the opportunities are still unique and incredible~~ keep on rocking kids~~ you get what you give in life and your efforts to help SI will not go unnoticed.


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-- MGMT. :)

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