Sunday, September 16, 2012

PS22 Chorus's Got Talent!

On Thursday night, former members of the PS22 Chorus of 2012 reunited to take the stage at the finale of America's Got Talent! As previously announced, the kids took the stage with sand-storyteller finalist Joe Castillo and performed a beautiful and unique version of "Edge of Glory" by Lady Gaga! The kids tore it up and Joe rocked, and the performance received a rousing and well-deserved ovation from the audience! The PS22 alumni even got to mingle with several of the contestants and fellow guest performer (AND friend to the chorus), Ne-Yo! You can check out the amazing live performance the kids gave and an extremely cool behind-the-scenes video with Joe from rehearsal below!

with Ne-Yo!!

with one of the human contingent of the winning act!

with the incredible William Close!

with The Untouchables!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately the NBC video doesn't seem to be viewable from Germany. But seeing as the Youtube video shows the kids just the way they were when they were still at school, I'm imagening them singing just as well.

    But some things have changed: Jessalyn is now wearing glasses (looking good) and Thoryn must have gotten her hair cut (looking good as well). Oh, and the blog got a new header picture for the next year, although I'm still waiting for the first video with the new year's chorus members. And it looks like we got a new Font for the website.


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-- MGMT. :)

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