Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Year, New Kids, New Look!

To celebrate the brand new school year and the coming debut of the all-new PS22 Chorus of 2013, the blog was given an epic makeover! We're really excited about the new look, the new shirts (special shout out to Ms. Lisa for selecting the colors), and, most especially, to introduce the new crop of fifth graders (pictured above) whose first video will be premiered tomorrow!! It's truly amazing how polished this crew sounds already with only a little over a week into the school year!  These kids are ready to raise the bar of excellence already established in years past! So get ready...  The torch is officially passed, and PS22 Chorus of 2013 is set to hit the ground singing!!


  1. LOVE the makeover.. shirts, colors, header, font. What a fun start to a new year!

  2. I like the icy color scheme. Good choice, Miss Lisa!
    Can't wait for the new videos.

    @ Gregg: I'm honestly a little relieved that you did the header yourself this time. My personal life is getting in the way a bit (in a good way, though). :-)


  3. CAN'T WAIT to hear the new group! Love the blog makeover ~ easy-on-the-eyes colors look wonderful! Good luck to this year's PS22 Chorus ~ may the starts shine bright for you!

  4. I can't wait to see the new Chorus! :)
    And the one boy in the front really looks like Kahlil, doesn't he?
    I'm confused :D


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-- MGMT. :)

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