Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Silent Knight

Here's yet another amazing performance of the Christmas carol, "Silent Night," (another performance from last year's 4th graders at the 2010 Winter Concert) that we had the kids sing to my friend and colleague Mr. Knight (our bongo player in many of our early videos) to get him to lighten up for the holiday season! Maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, but either way it's a beautiful version of this classic traditional song, and Faith is just astounding on the solo!


  1. wowww this kids are amazing! congrats from Chile!!!

  2. He's a mean one mr. grinch. if you watch the video im the one said that!!!!

    Chantal 5A-127

  3. Christopher(2010chorus)December 24, 2011 at 9:50 AM

    Mr. Knight was never the grinch with the 2010 chorus.


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-- MGMT. :)

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