Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pablo The Reindeer

(pic from 2010 PS22 Winter Concert by Victor Breinberg)

After the kids of PS22 Chorus of 2012 performed a dress rehearsal yesterday morning to get ready for their upcoming winter concert tonight, we decided to have a light rehearsal that afternoon, and had lots of fun revisiting some of the songs that the kids did last year as fourth graders at last year's show. Although about half of our current members were not in the chorus last year, they got the songs down quick! This one is "Pablo The Reindeer" by George Lovering, a song I was taught by Mrs. Eleanor Calhoun, MY chorus teacher from way back in intermediate school. Daniel-san did the solo at last year's performance, but this year completely ups the ante and brings the concept of "pop up video" to a whole new level! My personal favorite moments here are his random (and unplanned might I add) pop-ups toward the end! Definitely will provide some laughs for this holiday season!


  1. Christopher(2010chorus)December 21, 2011 at 4:02 PM

    Today's your winter concert? I wish i could see you guys perform, but i have two projects to work on. Good luck on the concert!

  2. Last years holiday concert was so amazing and thus years was awesome too.i think we did such a great job!!!

    Chantal 5A-127

  3. that was so funny what daniel did


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-- MGMT. :)

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