Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Marching On!

The PS22 Chorus of 2011 is going out with a bang with this absolutely INSANE version of "Marching On" by OneRepublic! The kids completely out-do themselves on this one, and Marquis is out of control on the skins!! Definitely the coup de grace from this year's group, and a performance that will be remembered....

Thanks to Ms. Lisa for capturing this glorious musical moment!


  1. Yeeeesssssss!!! What a glorious finale. I wish this class would really marching on and on and on... will miss you all. My best wishes to all of you guys for the future! Thanks for a wonderful year!!!!

    with best regards from Germany...

  2. Whenever I feel down, wondering where the beauty, love, and joy are within this world I come to PS22.

    You are everything that is wonderful in this world. You lift my spirits and warm my heart with your passion and fire for life.

    You breath life into my heart with your words. You are the voice that drowns out the sorrow and replaces it with LOVE.

    Thank you for sharing your beauty with us, and never forget the joy you have brought to so many people.

    Education is about learning that you are a part of a larger community. It is finding your place and using your time to make us all, as a society, a better place. You teach us humility, compassion, and acceptance. You remind us that together we are all more beautiful. You remind us of the good within everyone.

    We are a village, and you are its heart. Peace and Love to you all.


All comments are subject for approval. So be patient if it doesn't appear right away. I do my best to reply to all comments, but time doesn't always allow. Every comment is read and appreciated, believe me!

-- MGMT. :)

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