Friday, June 03, 2011

Elizabeth Berkley Hearts PS22 Chorus!

Check out this awesome tweet (above) from Saved By The Bell actress Elizabeth Berkley! We <3 you back, Elizabeth!! Funny enough, in London back in 1999 before the PS22 Chorus came into existence (and before the current 2011 members were even born!), my friend Laura and I ran into Ms. Berkley who was dining with another current and fabulous PS22 Chorus fan (and collaborator), Kylie Minogue. Both were memorably gracious even back then! Isn't it awesomely bizarre how life comes full circle? Check out some pics below!

1 comment:

  1. I want to say thank you for what you are doing with these kids! I am a step coach in South Carolina and the joy I get from seeing my kids master the arts is breath taking. Keep up you magical work and stay blessed

    -Ashley Burkes


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-- MGMT. :)

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