Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rolling in the Deep

The PS22 Chorus, featuring the one and only Denise on lead vocals, smash Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" out of the park!! LOVIN' this!! And proud to add the kids learned, recorded, and delivered this performance all today!

Thanks to Ms. Lisa for the beautiful filming!

UPDATE: Thanks to our amazing friend and supporter Perez Hilton for his extremely kind blog post about the new vid!

UPDATE 2 (4-13-11): Adele herself has stamped her seal of approval on the PS22 Chorus cover of "Rolling in the Deep" with a resounding "YESSSSSSS!"

UPDATE 3 (4-14-11): The latest video from PS22 is also garnering lots of YouTube honors including the #12 Most Viewed Music Video today!!



    Seriously, that blew my mind. I hope Adele sees this.

  2. A M A Z I N G! Denise kills this! Great job kids. Keep em' coming!

  3. Holy Moly! Before I watched the video I thought ok here's the first song the chorus can't nail because Adele's voice is so incredible and the song so challenging. 5 seconds in and I was wrong. Denise killed. Chorus killed. Mind blown! Wow!

  4. WOW Mr B looks like this song will be another to hit the one million mark on youtube!! WTG Denise she is amazing!

  5. 英語は書けないので、日本語でごめんなさい。
    朝から、とても心が温かくなりました。どちらの歌もとてもいい曲で、本当に素晴らしかったです。特にOver the Rainbow の最後で皆さんがそれぞれメッセージを書いたハートの紙を見せてくれた場面に強く嬉しく感じました。

  6. absolutely fabulous!!! I can't get enough of it. My deep respect for learning & recording this all in one day!! Denise is the biggest talent I've ever seen! Big applause!!

    Greetz from germany

  7. Oh my gosh... you guys are simply amazing. Please, record a CD that will also be available in Europe.

    Greetings from a fan in Germany!

  8. its just... wow...!
    shes got such an incredible voice...
    I think its better than the original song... cant get enough of this music!
    keep going! ;)

    another fan from germany :)

  9. I can't stop listening to this song on youtube. denise is incredible. so much depth and control of her voice at such a young age. i love ps22!

  10. This is one of the best children choir i've ever heard from. Thank you for this!!

  11. This is beyond incredible. The singing voices and harmonies and soul are so inspiring.
    They will go far and I cannot wait to see how their songs unfold.

  12. These kids are truly amazing!! What an inspiration!!

  13. Thank you PS22 Chorus, I would not have known of Adele if I had not seen and heard Denise sing rolling in the deep. Now I have to get the song. Denise you have a great future ahead I love the song Rolling In The Deep.

    Master Fred W. Waters Jr.

  14. this is just W O W !

    Best from Germany


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-- MGMT. :)

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