Friday, April 15, 2011

PS22 Chorus sings for Japan on NHK TV

Trying to do their part to lift the spirits of a country in turmoil, the PS22 Chorus kids gave an exclusive reprisal of their winning Oscar performance on NHK Television in Japan. It was shot and broadcast live this morning on Good Morning Japan, and the feedback for the kids' performance and heartfelt messages has been tremendous. For this we are deeply honored.

Thanks to Rosa Sobrino for filming this! And thanks to Ms. Laurie for the pics.


  1. Mr. B
    Any possibility of getting some of your well placed friends to arrange a benefit concert for Japan? If they get the right venue, you could use kids from the last few years and have it recorded so that all sales went to the benefit also. Radio City or Lincoln Center. There must be some theater sitting empty on Broadway at the moment

  2. WOW!!! that was so special... these kids have hearts that are bigger than their little bodies. I LOVE the sound of Somewhere over the Rainbow... it's just something about that auditorium.

  3. What a cool opportunity, and a great way to support Japan! Way to go!


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-- MGMT. :)

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