Tuesday, January 25, 2011

PS22 Chorus in The Wall Street Journal!

Check out this amazing article and the above video feature from The Wall Street Journal!


  1. Conrgatulations Mr. B! We're all so very proud of you and the PS 22 chorus!!!

    -Mina E. Kim

  2. great spot-- I loved at the VERY end you hear an alto go FINALLY!!!

    I love that they are always so proud of what they do.

  3. Hello!...I've just discover your chorus and lots of youtube videos from your songs...it's amazing!!!. I love all of them. I'm from a small city from Spain, and I sing in a chorus too...your work is marvellous!!!. Congratulations...you make me cry of emotion!!!.


  4. AMAZING ¡¡¡¡¡ Acabo de ver las noticias en España y aparecía este coro maravilloso. Enhorabuena por la actuación en los Oscar. Ver la cara de ilusión de estos niños y niñas mientras cantan me emociona enormemente, soy maestra y tu labor es extraordinaria. FELICIDADES ¡¡¡


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-- MGMT. :)

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