Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Kids" Pt II

Here is a pristinely filmed acoustic version of "Kids" by MGMT shot by the PS22 Chorus's amazing new bud, filmmaker Jonathan Kalafer! Unfortunately Marquis & Mr. Eberle weren't around for the proceedings, but the kids compensated by singing the verses a bit more tenderly than usual, which makes this version a fine alternate to our previously posted version of "Kids!"

If anyone's a bit confused as to the goings on at the beginning of the video, the vent in the auditorium kept pushing the doors open, and Kaleb couldn't refrain from trying (unsuccessfully) to close them. "Welcome to the asylum," indeed!


  1. AMAZING ¡¡¡ I´m a spanish girl. I´ve just discover the corus. Estaba viendo las noticias en España y apareció la noticia de la actuación en los Oscar. Es maravilloso ¡¡¡ Ver la cara de ilusión de estos niños y niñas es fantántico. Me habéis emocionado viendo los videos de youtube, qué bonita labor haces por estos niños. Yo soy maestra de educación especial y valoro lo que haces porque sé lo difícil que puede llegar a ser.
    Enhorabuena ¡¡¡¡¡

  2. You kids are still giving me chills... I am slowly turning into a hardcore fan. :-)

    /KSena, from Sweden


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-- MGMT. :)

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