Friday, November 12, 2010

Snow Angel

From the beautiful "Christmas" album by Tori Amos called MIDWINTER GRACES, here is the chorus performing the simply heavenly "Snow Angel" in preparation for the holidays. This one kills me, so hauntingly beautiful. Loving Marquis on the bongos, Mr. Eberle on guitar and the particularly angelic sounds of the PS22 Chorus of 2011 here! Simply lovely, and captured to perfection by Ms. Lisa!

UPDATE: Thanks to our fantastic friend and supporter, Perez Hilton, for tweeting about the kids' new Tori Amos cover, and for the kind words!


  1. They're not singing the song. They're living it! I guess Tori must've written it for you because you brought it to perfection. Hats off!

  2. Perez says it best on this one... so beautiful! can't wait for more :)

    Your kids always do Tori justice.

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

  4. It’s funny how many articles and news come out on a weekly basis.


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-- MGMT. :)

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