Saturday, November 20, 2010

Greyson Chance Goes Back To 5th Grade!

Yesterday, the young musical phenomenon Greyson Chance made a surprise visit to the PS22 Chorus of 2011!! We had him pose as "Brian," the son of Ms. Laurie when he came, and I quickly broke into a version of "Paparazzi" by Lady Gaga before the (majority of) group knew what I was up to! (The chorus only learned their part earlier that afternoon, and actually did remarkably well!!) Midway through the song, Greyson pushed me off the piano and broke into his brilliant version of the song! Needless to say, the kids went duly berzerk when they finally realized (or had confirmed) what was going on!! Sarah's & Dominique's reactions alone make this video well worth the watch!!

The next video is the real piece d'resistance, and is a truly astounding collaboration of young talent! The PS22 Chorus join forces with Greyson to recreate his single, "Waiting Outside The Lines" and words cannot do it justice! It's great to see the mutual admiration that's going on throughout the performance! The kids truly inspired each other to create this stunning and sincerely expressed rendition. We at PS22 are utterly impressed by Greyson Chance and know that he's bound for success of major proportion!

Big thanks to Greyson, his management (and mom!), and to Steinway for furnishing us with a piano for the occasion! Also thanks to Craig Hatkoff for helping us out of our piano jam!! And the "as always" thanks go to Ms. Lisa for her unbelievable filming, and Ms. Laurie, Ms. Kaufmann & Mrs. Johnson for the pics!!

UPDATE: Check out the awesome tweet from Greyson about his visit!

UPDATE 2: Thanks to Greyson & PS22's mutual compadre, Perez Hilton, for posting the performance on his blog!


  1. WAAAAH! Two of my internet-favorites in one video!!! I'm so glad for the kids to have met Greyson and vice versa! Loved them singing together!

  2. we did had fun especially me and sarah we been jumping up and down but i was the who huged him like 6 or 5 times


  3. Awwww, that Greyson boy is cute! xD
    and he posted your performance on his facebook page:!/GreysonChance
    And he's much better than Justin Bieber. :]

  4. Gregg,

    Its so nice to see so many wonderful things happening for your kids. I am so struck by how gracious and humble they are in the midst of some pretty heady circumstances. You are teaching such wonderful life lessons. Its a joy to watch good things happen to good people !

  5. Hey, just thought you would like to know that the Facebook page for "Waiting for Superman" posted the video of your guys' Viva la Vida. :D

  6. Incredible post!!!!! AMAZINGLY talented :D

  7. they were breathless! it must have been so exciting for them. i love greyson chance so i understand.

    kaitlynn f. 5a-126


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